Example sentences of "[be] make [prep] respect of " in BNC.

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1 As no order will have been made in respect of the property at this stage , the defendant appears to be free to dispose of it before the order can be made and thus defeat the object of making the order .
2 Provided that where more than one application for a licence has been made in respect of any premises , the licensing board may hear and consider such applications together .
3 A similar decision had been made in respect of Uttar Pradesh by the time the poll date was announced in April [ see also above for Haryana ] .
4 The above reduction in yield table refers to expenses which are expected to be made in respect of this contract and has been calculated on the basis laid down by Lautro .
5 Assuming that the contract is not terminated before the end of the contract period and the rate at which charges or expenses will be made in respect of the contract continues unchanged during that period , the deductions to be made in respect of those charges or expenses may be expected to reduce the investment return by an amount approximately equal to that reduction in yield figure .
6 Assuming that the contract is not terminated before the end of the contract period and the rate at which charges or expenses will be made in respect of the contract continues unchanged during that period , the deductions to be made in respect of those charges or expenses may be expected to reduce the investment return by an amount approximately equal to that reduction in yield figure .
7 The above reduction in yield table refers to expenses which are expected to be made in respect of this contract and has been calculated on the basis laid down by Lautro .
8 Assuming that the contract is not terminated before the end of the contract period and the rate at which charges or expenses will be made in respect of the contract continues unchanged during that period , the deductions to be made in respect of those charges or expenses may be expected to reduce the investment return by an amount approximately equal to that reduction in yield figure .
9 Assuming that the contract is not terminated before the end of the contract period and the rate at which charges or expenses will be made in respect of the contract continues unchanged during that period , the deductions to be made in respect of those charges or expenses may be expected to reduce the investment return by an amount approximately equal to that reduction in yield figure .
10 Incentive payments to staff in the form of a bonus relating to the whole firm or department are possible and where used should be made in respect of a known period of time or on completion of certain jobs .
11 Shares issued by subsidiaries other than those held by companies within the group should be accounted for in consolidated financial statements as liabilities if any member of the group has an obligation to transfer economic benefits in connection with the shares , for example under a guarantee of payments to be made in respect of the shares .
12 Shares have a distinct legal status reflected ( inter alia ) in the limitations imposed by companies legislation on the circumstances in which payments may be made in respect of them .
13 Disclosure orders may be made in respect of assets outside the jurisdiction , for example documents relating to a Swiss bank account .
14 This issue involves a question of principle as to whether a local authority can sue for libel and not a decision to be made in respect of each individual action .
15 I might conceivably be interested merely in a hypothetical situation , trying to decide , say , what consequences would follow if p were true , without wishing to commit myself one way or the other ( although , as will be shown later on , one can not coherently posit the possibility of p being true except with regard to possible truth claims that might be made in respect of it ) .
16 The comparison of cost and net realisable value needs to be made in respect of each item of stock separately .
17 Similar arguments can be made in respect of many bus stops and this can not , therefore , be accepted as a valid reason for relocating bus stops .
18 b ) enabling such grants to be made in respect of costs falling to be charged to accounts in respect of financial years ending after March 1993 but not later than March 1996 .
19 The information in the annual accounts may not be suitable for the decision to be made in respect of planning , control , investment etc .
20 A number of searches and enquiries should be made in respect of each property .
21 Thus , where rent is payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days a term of " seven years from 25 March " will be construed as beginning at the first moment of 25 March , so that the first payment of rent will fall due on the first day of the term and the last payment of rent would be made in respect of a complete quarter , which ends at the last moment of the term .
22 Arrangements for returning the child should be included in the written agreement which must be made in respect of all children who are looked after by local authorities ( see Chapter 16 , 4 ) .
23 Note that a s34 order can not be made in respect of a child accommodated by a local authority under a voluntary arrangement .
24 A specific exclusion should be made in respect of such items which may require the insurer 's consent .
25 In those circumstances it does not seem to me right to leave open , whether the court has power to do so I 'm doubtful , but in any event it does not seem to me right to leave open a question of whether there should be some damages to provide for the possibility that er Paul may have to leave school , nor do I think that it is a situation in which any contingency award should be made in respect of that .
26 This is because the repayment of tax is treated as being made in respect of the accounting period in which the surplus ACT arose ( as opposed to the periods in which it was offset ) ( s 825(4) ( a ) ) .
27 Recommendations were made in respect of each of the officers under investigation .
28 On 13 December 1991 emergency protection orders were made in respect of two children , D. , born on 20 February 1990 , and R. , born on 12 October 1991 , and they were placed with foster parents .
29 With increasing client support , some notable achievement were made in respect of individual trainees :
30 The legal status of shares is well established and understood and there are specific conditions which have to be satisfied if any payment is made in respect of them .
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