Example sentences of "[be] go ahead with the " in BNC.

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1 We 're going ahead with the presentation of prizes now . ’
2 I am reserving your request for a copy of the tape until I hear from you , and would appreciate knowing whether you or NEC Central Lab will be going ahead with the order .
3 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
4 If Maud and Enid thought she was mad and would n't help her , then no one would and the only course of action was to go ahead with the kidnapping plan .
5 With the collapse of the Maudling negotiations , Britain 's next act was to go ahead with the formation of a European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) , along with Austria , Denmark , Norway , Portugal , Sweden and Switzerland .
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