Example sentences of "stand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't stand about nattering all day with you .
2 Yeah , well do n't stand about
3 Certainly Lady Lisa might stand as the embodiment of the old fancy , the symbol of the modern idea .
4 I agree , and this can stand as a cogent it incomplete description of what is meant by a political homosexuality .
5 Can you stand as a permanency our cuisine — Maureen 's practising — Maureen 's sulks — Minto 's burnettodesmondism — Minto 's mare 's nests — the perpetual interruptions of family life — the partial loss of liberty ?
6 Mr Frank Leech said he hoped Mr Field would stand as an independent Labour candidate .
7 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
8 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
9 Mr Gerlach , the acting head of state , said later he was ‘ not happy ’ about taking over his new role and would not stand as a candidate in the necessary Volkskammer election .
10 He forecast Mr Davies would never stand as candidate , ‘ because if the Labour Party allows him to go forward this seat will actually be won by the Liberal Democrats .
11 Such a response seems understandable given that it allows McFaul to explain why he is at odds with the Party while still maintaining that he is loyal to its principles and to its founder , but it can not stand as a general proposition .
12 And she can stand as an example of all my attitudes or of every other encounter with the female sex .
13 ‘ The really important change will be that the UK Road Running Commission will be genuinely powerful , and will stand as an equal with the other specialisations — particularly track and field and cross-country .
14 Unless it is submitted that prisoners have , on entering prison , surrendered all rights over their own bodies , in which case medical experimentation on them would be equally lawful , the case can not stand as authority for the proposition that there exists a duty , even as regards prisoners , far less at large , to prevent someone from refusing food and , a fortiori , medical treatment .
15 It will stand as a permanent memorial to the man whose generosity has so benefited the Theatre Collection .
16 Stern 's ironic and humane gaze can stand as a tiny but glowing symbol of everything that Britain gained from his generation of migrants .
17 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
18 If it does not stand as a moral example to the followers of the Church , it counts for nothing .
19 For it is the company and the company alone which can stand as proxy for the underlying clients , its stakeholders ( and in particular the shareholders , who are the prime stakeholders ) .
20 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
21 Shakespeare , Spenser , Milton : the list could be spun out , to include for instance Yeats , whose poem ‘ The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland ’ could stand as a Tolkienian epigraph .
22 But Allen insisted that the record of the NCF could hardly stand as a model for spreading the pacifist word in years to come .
23 The blow came at a meeting on Saturday when members voted not to let him stand as an election candidate — despite a recommendation to accept him by the executive committee .
24 The present volume does not aim to replace any reference book by providing fresh research , but it will certainly stand as the most complete index on the subject .
25 Sonnet 108 challenges abruptly all the founts of invention : The answer is predictable , inevitable , right : Those four lines could stand as a motto for the whole sequence , with there reworking from a fresh direction of the desire to celebrate the other from which Shakespeare started .
26 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
27 Years later , when Sainteny returned to Hanoi , Le Duan recalled these words , which he attributed to Ho Chi Minh , and which may stand as his memorial inscription : ‘ The Vietnamese nation is one and indivisible . ’
28 A preliminary account of events up to the mid-1970s has already been given for both locales , which will stand as an account for Cramlington but some elaboration is necessary for North Shields .
29 In September 1947 Britain 's foreign secretary , Ernest Bevin , and France 's premier , Paul Ramadier , talked of uniting their colonial empires together , and socialist politicians including British premier Clement Attlee hoped to give the third force an ideological dimension : against American capitalism and Soviet communism , Europe would stand as the champion of democratic socialism , combining liberal political rights with radical social reform .
30 Having established the presence of money as pure symbol and medium of abstract and relational thought , Simmel goes on to address several major features of such a state and to show how money may stand as the quintessence of each .
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