Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to see the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted to see the hon. Gentleman in the Chamber ; he should be on the Opposition Front Bench as their spokesman for sport , as my shadow is not here .
2 The people are delighted to see the Prime Minister .
3 You 're impatient to see the whole valley turned upside down and shaken to get him out . ’
4 The 1990s are likely to see the last days of the political baronets .
5 Large corporations have been quick to see the financial potential in becoming involved with charity events .
6 It is of course difficult to ‘ police ’ this objection , and there is a certain ambivalence in the attitude of some countries ; recognising the usefulness of postal service , they welcome it as a supplementary method designed to back up the ‘ official ’ service effected in other ways , but are unhappy to see the postal channel treated as appropriate or sufficient in itself .
7 The Collector had been unable to see the latter part of this action , which had taken place in thick yellow dust and smoke ( the snow having mysteriously ceased ) .
8 Even if I had no longer been able to see the real images in my mind I could see their representations as clearly as if they hung before me , and the two were beginning to run together .
9 In his last visit to North Korea , Ceauşescu had been able to see the thirty-storey concrete pyramid in the centre of Pyongyang which had been built under the inspiration of the Dear Leader , Kim Jong Il ( albeit from an original idea by George Orwell ) .
10 There were wall-sized French windows through which she would in daylight have been able to see the back garden .
11 Shanti has always been able to see the funny side of a situation .
12 In the limit that J/Mc exceeds r /2 the horizon would vanish and it would be possible to see the physical singularity at the centre of the black hole .
13 With the spirit at mass events like Band Aid and Mandela Day , it would be easy to see the Eighties as a humane , caring decade .
14 I 'm glad to see the two hundred thousand , though I would have picked it up under , erm , children already erm , over the age of about five , but maybe I 've got that wrong .
15 Elsewhere , be sure to see the full-size portrait of the writer ( known as Il Grande , by the Italians ) by de Notaris , completed after Manzoni 's death , the exact dimensions of the man having been collected by post-mortem measuring .
16 While I stress that we believe that the safest limit is no alcohol at all , we should be reluctant to see the Metropolitan police in London entering railway property willy-nilly to enforce the provisions of the Bill .
17 The cabin light was on and Fen was bending over her , disturbingly close , close enough for her to be able to see the individual pores in his swarthy skin .
18 ‘ With the highlights package , now at last they will be able to see the best cricket at the time they will want to watch it . ’
19 ‘ With the highlights package , now at last they will be able to see the best cricket at the time they will want to watch it . ’
20 The successful candidates will also be able to see the finished results of their new look in the June edition of the Clothes Show Magazine .
21 You must be able to see the adverse behaviour and describe it precisely .
22 Also if the focus is on an ability to communicate then it is better to be able to see the visual as well as the aural aspects of the interaction .
23 You will be able to see the lush green streamer weed swaying in the current , and if you look carefully , letting your eyes adjust to the movement of the current and weed , preferably with the use of polaroid spectacles , you may see one or more black shapes that suddenly emerge from under the green ribbon , hover for a few seconds in the open water and then just as suddenly disappear back into the weed .
24 He may not be able to see the political and general interest wood for the specialist trees , and there is a sense in which there are obviously dangers of that kind erm and the generalist has always taken the view that it 's for the specialist to be able to explain his problems in language which , after all , politicians who take the final decisions will have to be able to understand .
25 But when we talked about ‘ The House ’ — that was what we called it , there was never a name — we could imagine that just at the top of the stairs would be the Great Kitchen with its rows of gleaming copper pans hung up next to pheasants and hams and bunches of strange herbs — and through the kitchen window we 'd be able to see the long lawns of the garden where stone lions crouched with their heads between their paws and real peacocks screeched up at peacock shapes clipped out of hedges …
26 3.14 There is a head of damage which is sometimes called the loss of amenities ; the man made blind by the accident will no longer be able to see the familiar things he has seen all his life ; the man who has had both legs removed and will never again go upon his walking excursions — things of that kind — loss of amenities ( per Birkett LJ in Manley v Rugby Portland Cement Co Ltd , a decision of the Court of Appeal in 1951 ) .
27 Then they need to know they will be able to see the other parent regularly .
28 We will for the first time be able to see the new system work .
29 She might not be able to see the dark chest hair which curled up towards his throat , but she could imagine it .
30 Visitors will be able to see the eight-sided Octagon Room , a giant digital clock showing GMT to the nearest tenth of a second hands-on science stations for children and a sound and light show in the darkened dome , which houses the largest refracting telescope in the country .
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