Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] the present " in BNC.

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1 The interest rates are low at the present time .
2 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
3 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
4 In Fig. 1 we plot the wavelength of peak sensitivity ( λ max ) for each of the long- and middle-wave cones recorded in the present study , including those used to construct Fig. 2 : there is a clear separation of cones into two distinct classes and so we can be confident that our axial records are adequate for the present purpose of classification .
5 In the opinion of Paul Whitfield , Deputy Chairman of Bonham 's , the cost structures of a company such as Sotheby 's are inappropriate to the present recessionary climate , but dismantling them is impossible without breaking up the company — one possible solution in his opinion .
6 In what building , the paper asked , has the Revival been satisfactory for the present day ; ‘ are Government Offices to form one of this series of costly and unpromising experiments ? ’
7 None of those sections are applicable to the present case .
8 Although no separate figures are yet available on short-term care facilities , the consensus is that they are inadequate at the present time .
9 ‘ I am impressed by the present set-up .
10 Local authorities to a very great extent are responsible for the present ‘ grant control ’ which is exercised by Central Government for , whenever in recent years the Central Government have asked them to carry out some new function the local authorities have countered the request by a demand for a Government grant to assist with the new service .
11 CD trials , with teachers who are new both to the unit and to the computer system , are important at the present time because most teacher users will be in this category .
12 I wonder if that is why we are stuck with the present regime — because there is n't a single , united opposition .
13 I would emphasise that the only aspect of W. 's welfare with which we are concerned in the present case is her refusal to undergo a particular form of treatment for anorexia .
14 Teaching must be alive and it can only be alive in the present moment — it is time-consuming to try to make stale bread palatable , and why bother when fresh bread is available ?
15 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
16 This followed the National Audit Office report stating that it may be appropriate for the present procedures for examining farm accounts to be strengthened , ‘ particularly if widespread tax evasion is confirmed .
17 These results proved to be reproducible in the present study , indicating that a cut off value of 20 ppm of H 2 increase is a safe indicator of rice starch malabsorption .
18 If this is the case , such a reflex would not be reproducible in the present isolated model .
19 He did n't know who he was talking to , but believed , from films he had seen , that R.C. priests drank whisky and told long stories ; that could be useful at the present juncture .
20 For pensioners , the Citizen 's Income will be well above the present pension , and for everyone else it will be about £12.80 a week ( at present prices ) .
21 They appear only to be concerned with the present and future quality of the labour market and the need to have a better and more highly trained workforce .
22 I would rather draw on ideas which seem to be meaningful in the present context and which offer opportunities for further exploration — not the babies already born and growing up , but ones in the making !
23 Layered object-oriented techniques employing multi-windowing need to be front-ended onto the present system .
24 The effect will be as if fraudulent conversion were widened to include the whole of larceny and embezzlement ; the new offence will indeed include conduct which may not be criminal under the present law such as the dishonest appropriation by a parent of things taken and brought home by a child under the age of criminal responsibility ( cf.
25 As I have previously stated , my own belief is that Earth Mysteries should be relevant to the present day , and that means we must make our own relationship with the sacred sites .
26 To my mind , the position of the local authority as relator can not be decisive of the present case .
27 This will be close to the present computer room .
28 No one can be satisfied with the present position .
29 Any information system needs to be sensitive to the present and future environment .
30 Okar claimed to have the support of several bodies which had been critical of the present government , particularly the Nigerian Labour Congress , the Bar Association and the unions of journalists and students .
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