Example sentences of "[be] [prep] the same thing " in BNC.

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1 At the end she left I said do ring Cathy if you feel like it because I 'm sure she wo n't mind well it would be nice for us to find out who 's been through the same thing recently .
2 You were on the same thing all day all day long .
3 Individuals ' evaluations of how good they are at something are generally made in relation to how good others are at the same thing .
4 Well , really , how to make a cup of tea is like the same thing as making a cup of coffee first you have to take the kettle to the tap , turn the tap on and fill up the kettle , then take the kettle back to the ma , erm , where you got it from and plug it into the wa wall .
5 It 's like the same thing with video tapes they all get buggered up .
6 it 's a tangent it 's just another thing to be aware of er that certain put their exam but it 's along the same thing cos I know what 's happening and they 're not writing G C S E but they 're writing exam entries so many pupils x number of subjects so many passes okay ?
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