Example sentences of "[be] [adv prt] of [art] job " in BNC.

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1 But when the order came signed by the president you know , hands up , who 's commander in chief , not so fast MacArthur , you 're out of a job erm MacArthur accepted that .
2 Thirty seven workers at a world famous piano factory have been told they 're out of a job .
3 If anything if if it does You see again and then you see if you 're out of a job you see you if you happen to be out of a job then you 're not eligible for a pension policy .
4 Yeah , like the electricity , but your chickens come home to roost when your overtime goes , when your job goes and you take on a commitment and they never , the last ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five years and they 've never ever , ever taken on a commitment like that before , when it 's presented with just the roses around it , everything 's sweetness and light and roses and the other side is n't really put , put to you , think of the worse scenario , you 're out of a job , what can you do ?
5 In that case could you keep it going for a while if you 're out of a job ?
6 In some cases , teachers in fee-paying schools knew nothing until they received a letter announcing ‘ the school has shut down and they are out of a job ’ .
7 2.7% of German graduates are out of a job ; France has graduate unemployment of 3.7% .
8 But now the 95 workers are out of a job … the Ministry of Defence has given the contract to supply uniforms to workers in Morocco instead .
9 I do n't want to detail the mistakes I made and quite clearly I have done things quite differently the second time around — otherwise , I 'd probably have been out of a job again at Sheffield Wednesday .
10 They claim that employers are unlikely to consider anyone who has been out of a job for so long .
11 He 'd have been out of a job if he 'd
12 Provided they 've not been out of the job all that long , I think , cos things change , do n't they ?
13 ‘ I could be out of a job .
14 If we flew a perfect mission every trip then there would be no need to train , but then in a perfect world we would not need an Army and I would be out of a job .
15 The calculation of Turkey 's president , Turgut Ozal , is that Iraq will not attack Turkey and that Saddam Hussein will soon be out of a job .
16 They might all be out of a job if the Factory Commission came and shut the place down .
17 ‘ Does that mean we 're all going to be out of a job ? ’ was the question everybody wanted an answer to .
18 You wo n't be worrying then , because you will be out of a job , and every other bugger that works here ! ’
19 York town crier John Redpath , who gained national notoriety earlier this year when he appeared on TV in a Liberal Democrat party political broadcast , is certainly glad of the tourists because otherwise he would be out of a job .
20 While a crushed Roward tried to come to terms with the fact that he would be out of a job after the Hong Kong Sevens for Simpkin it was a goal realised after four long years in the territory as its technical director .
21 He said that the police would be called to investigate Dempsey and he would be out of a job .
22 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
23 Second , takeover raids typically bid up the share price significantly , so again the incumbent management has considerable leeway before it is likely to get into trouble and be out of a job .
24 ‘ You 'll be out of a job soon . ’
25 And all those nice dustbin men would be out of a job .
26 I shall be out of a job and out of a home .
27 And now she 's become the star he realizes that he may be out of a job if he does n't behave .
28 ‘ I did wonder if you 'd find someone to replace me and I 'd be out of a job . ’
29 He 'll be out of a job . ’
30 But by August , he 'll be out of a job .
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