Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] for a far " in BNC.

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1 Julian Farrand , the insurance ombudsman , has been reappointed for a further two-year term from 1 January 1993 .
2 has been re-appointed for a further year as part-time member of AEA Board .
3 The ban on commercial whaling has been upheld for a further year — prompting threats from Iceland and Norway to leave the International Whaling Commission .
4 Bernard Moing , Univel 's regional marketing manager for Europe says , ‘ we 're not expecting any returns on UnixWare until the first quarter of 1993 , and then the take up will be limited for a further period . ’
5 They might be re-appointed for a further term but , even then , anyone in his or her late 60s is unlikely to reign long .
6 At the end of January the government confirmed that the proposed referendum on whether the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces should be made permanent [ see p. 36735 ] would be postponed for a further six months .
7 The effect of this is to allow liquor to be provided for a further hour in the evening in a part of the premises set aside for people taking table meals provided it is consumed as part of the meal .
8 Additional home support can be provided for a further 10 clients who do not wish to or can not attend the day centre .
9 Oesophagitis was still present at the second endoscopy in three patients and the treatment had to be continued for a further four to six weeks , when a third endoscopy confirmed complete healing .
10 The detective chief-inspector said he was aware a superintendent had authorised the defendant 's detention to be extended for a further 12 hours .
11 The government had originally announced on Feb. 14 that the election would be held on March 28-29 ; on March 28 it was announced that polling would be extended for a further day on account of heavy rains which had led to voters being discouraged by transport difficulties .
12 It was also reported in December that a 10 per cent wage reduction for public-sector employees , introduced in the 1989 budget and strongly opposed by the trade unions , would be extended for a further year .
13 After a Cabinet meeting on Sept. 21 it was announced that the mandate under which the multinational rapid reaction force was stationed in south-east Turkey was to be extended for a further 90 days from Sept. 30 .
14 The force 's mandate was for six month , and could be extended for a further year at most .
15 The Minister may say that the trusteeship can be renewed for a further five years , but I see no reason why he has resisted the expert opinion of the trustees and directors of the museums .
16 At the conclusion of the liturgy , Bishop O'Brien presented Faculty Certificates to 150 Ministers who were recommissioned for a further five years service .
17 The company was , inexorably , being positioned for a further dramatic stage in its development , and Laura was uneasy about the next chapter in their own story .
18 Officers and volunteer NCOs were trained at the centre for six weeks before joining the Independent Companies in which volunteer soldiers were trained for a further six weeks by their own officers .
19 Again the nine children were absent , and the Place of Safety orders were extended for a further twenty-one days .
20 A JUDGE gave police investigating the murder of schoolgirl Lesley Molseed 17 years ago the go-ahead to hold a man being questioned for a further 36 hours .
21 The temporary ‘ window of opportunity ’ which has made gifts of works of art and other property to US museums fully tax deductible since January 1991 , has been extended for a further eighteen months from July .
22 I am very pleased to announce that , thanks to the generosity of the Wolfson Foundation and family charitable trust , the museums and galleries improvement fund has been extended for a further two years to 1995-96 .
23 A state of emergency in the Dnestr Republic had been extended for a further two months .
24 The package , which applied to the current fiscal year ( ending in March 1993 ) , was finally passed on Dec. 10 , after the special session of the Diet had been extended for a further two days .
25 A SUCCESSFUL after-care scheme run for elderly people at Middlesbrough General Hospital has been extended for a further year , it was announced last night .
26 Sir Hugh added that the Dragon offer has been extended for a further 14 days .
27 A prisoner who threw boiling water over a fellow inmate has been jailed for a further three and a half years .
28 If the money plus the bonus is left for a further two years , an additional bonus of another 14 months ' interest is paid , boosting the tax-free return to 8.62 per cent ( worth 11.49 per cent to the basic rate taxpayer , or 14.37 per cent to a higher rate taxpayer ) .
29 The directors propose , as Resolution No.7 , that this authority be renewed for a further year up to an aggregate nominal amount of £9,260,761 .
30 Otherwise , they are lapped for a further period using 8 µm diamond paste if required for Double Polished Thin sections ( DPTs ) ( Fig. 4.3 ) .
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