Example sentences of "[be] [adv] speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
2 Hans Keller pointed out many years ago that , while the three preludial " interludes " are broadly speaking of a generic nature , setting the scene and mood for when the curtain rises , the three mid-act interludes have more specifically psychological connotations , telling us something about the state of the dramatic action and particularly about Grimes himself .
3 All I 'm try we 're only speaking from the best interests here , speaking from the bloody heart rather than the head probably here but we we do want th we do want the best but it 's the old old story , it 's botching it up is n't it , it 's fudging it , it 's trying to fit a square pet into a role cos we pay crap money y'know
4 ‘ We are still speaking about a transition period , and our most important tasks is to shorten that transition ’ .
5 There are , finding fifty hectares or thereabouts for a development of this kind and characteristic out of the districts ' allocations on the one hand in their geography , you know that has to be broadly speaking within the existing settlement pattern on the other , not possible .
6 He knew that he was oversensitive to the timbre of the human voice and hers , although not jarring or unpleasant , sounded a little forced as if she were deliberately speaking at an unnatural pitch .
7 Most Soviet citizens , however , appeared to have remained loyal to their native language in their domestic and family life , and there was little sign of the disappearance of at least the major Soviet languages , most of which were still spoken by the great majority of the nationalities in question ( the 1979 census found that 62 per cent of non-Russians were fluent in that language , but that 93 per cent of the population identified their national language as their native one ; the 1989 census found that the reported level of knowledge of Russian had actually fallen among at least two national groups , the Uzbeks and Lithuanians ) .
8 The Curators , with no other concerns in the matter , were truly speaking in the best interests of the children .
9 The normal expectation in the construction and interpretation of discourse is , as Grice suggests , that relevance holds , that the speaker is still speaking of the same place and time , participants and topic , unless he marks a change and shows explicitly whether the changed context is , or is not , relevant to what he has been saying previously .
10 To speak of a ‘ significant other ’ among social classes in a given national modernism is also to speak of the culture associated with that significant other class .
11 It is often spoken by a presenter who may never appear on the screen but is heard partly or entirely as " voice over " .
12 But the only thing what , I , I mean , I got through , it says hi you 've got through to Ross King 's er , blah , we 're going to repeat those competition questions for you , and they repeat it all to you , and they , is your answer A bla B C and then , it 's please speak after the tone , beep and then you say your thing and then , now would you like to leave your name and number
13 And yet these three languages , spoken almost exclusively in television studios ( despite claims by some scholars that proto-Majorese was once spoken in the streets of Brixton ) , are all somehow distantly related to English .
14 This emerged as the consensus view on the juvenile ‘ crime wave ’ of the 1930s , and The Times was also speaking for a wide consensus when it suggested in a lead article that , ‘ It is a good and wise rule that , as far as possible , delinquent children ought to be left at home . ’
15 Tweed was now speaking in a normal detached tone .
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