Example sentences of "[be] [adv] in [art] position " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the evidence produced by informal interviews we , the readers , are rather in the position of hearing a case put by only one counsel and not the other .
2 The Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 ( ‘ the Executive Scheme ’ ) provides for share options to be granted to those senior employees who are most in a position to affect the fortunes of the Company .
3 Bankers are generally in a position to make specific conditions for providing finance and so have little need for the audit , abbreviated accounts filed 10 months after the year end are of little value to trade suppliers and customers , and the Revenue 's reliance on audited accounts is ‘ largely illusory ’ , the Institute says .
4 We are already in a position to give reasons for many of the cases of uneven distribution , where an adjective is grammatical in one of the two positions but not in the other , beyond simply making some such observation as " the following adjectives are unacceptable in predicative position " .
5 We need to set an example as well , at this present time M S F are already in a position where they 're training their activists in other languages .
6 Structurally , left alone on-stage after the main figures have left , plotting behind Lear 's back , they are exactly in the position of Iago , or the tribunes in Coriolanus .
7 The other proviso of course , is our commitment to ninety , nineteen ninety four , and nineteen ninety five , not having arrived at the end of the financial year yet , we 're still in the position of having to forecast what those commitments will be .
8 Because it 's the most accurate , it 's the smoothest and you 're always in a position to respond should you want more or less steering .
9 Consequently , they 're always coming in a bit behind the boys because the boys have been playing for a bit longer , and I think it 's very important that if girls are being offered the opportunity that the opportunity is good for them , and that it 's not going to put them off the game of football because they 're always in the position where the boys consider themselves a bit better .
10 You 're hardly in a position to preach the virtues — why have n't you married ? ’
11 Erm I wo n't dwell on York city centre and its historic core because you 're all clearly aware of that , but it its setting was accepted at the greenbelt enquiry as being sufficiently important to warrant protection wider than just its physical , existing physical limits , erm the special protection was accorded also to the the special character rather was accorded also to the surrounding countryside , much of which is very attractive , and many of the typical Yorkshire small villages and hamlets that surround the area as well , er and we 're clearly in a position in Greater York which is different from the position that arises in many other counties and many other districts within this county , we 're in a position of grave shortage of suitable , developable land , we 're in a position of high quality er character , and landscape , we 're in a position where York , in particular , has extremely good transportation links , to the Leeds Bradford conurbation , where we discuss at length over the last two days there are policies for urban regeneration , subject to regional planning guidance in that area erm and we 're in a position where quite clearly York is under pressure , a great deal of pressure from migrants , er because it 's a it 's an attractive location to live .
12 Okay so we are , w w we 're now in a position of , certainly by nineteen forty nine we 're , we 're on the verge of power , we want l we , land reform is not taking place any more , there are still some areas in the north it has n't taken place out in the far north west it has n't taken place , so we , we , we are going to need a new land reform document based on all the experience we 've got which will carry us through and , and it 's really that land reform document , document that we are going to implement for the whole of China , and it 's going to be that document which really is going to abolish feudalism and create some sort of equality .
13 There , we are always in the position of observers , looking in , as it were , from without .
14 ‘ As I do not have the good fortune to know your family , Emilia , I am hardly in a position to say , though I feel sure they would wish to know of your distress . ’
15 ‘ You are hardly in a position to try . ’
16 And the Copts are hardly in a position to complain .
17 They " are also in a position to explain the new methods and to communicate their virtues .
18 ‘ The trouble is , ’ she said , ‘ that you are inevitably in the position of people being able to say , ‘ It 's all right for you , you do n't have to live next door to those punks and weirdos . ’
19 We are now in a position to examine the kind of behaviour that is appropriate to the ‘ game ’ of drama discussed in this chapter .
20 We are now in a position to generalize the lesson of the caddises .
21 Moreover , we are now in a position to examine how effectively research has analysed this change .
22 Secondly , we are now in a position to see how we can isolate uses of perceptual words from implications of possible judgement , for what remains is not just behaviour and ‘ sensory data ’ , as Frey supposes , but pre-linguistic prototypes of the fully developed language-game .
23 However , Singer objected to the importation of moral personality by contractualists like John Rawls on two main grounds and we are now in a position to supplement my provisional replies to his argument .
24 Perhaps we are now in a position to give , from a parental perspective , an alternative interpretation of what exactly it means to ‘ come to terms with ’ a child 's disability .
25 With this general discussion in mind , we are now in a position to consider which individuals and bodies are amenable to judicial review .
26 We are now in a position to express our discussion in terms of a set of definitions : Appendix 2 to this chapter explains how the last expression can be used as a basis for illustrating the flow-of-funds accounts , with each of the bracketed expressions representing the various sectors in the economy .
27 We are now in a position to see the significance of government expenditure and taxation flows in the determination of national income levels .
28 We are now in a position to re-formulate our criteria for deciding whether an anomalous sentence is semantically or grammatically deviant :
29 We are now in a position to spell out precisely the basic form of the recurrent contrast test for semantic constituency :
30 We are now in a position to understand in a simple way the functioning of laws and theories as predictive and explanatory devices in science .
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