Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] date " in BNC.

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1 it 's a real shame we 're so out of date .
2 ‘ You 're way out of date , ’ said Greg automatically ; ‘ nowadays we do nothing else . ’
3 Of course you should have read them in between , so you 're now up to date .
4 Ah yeah so they 're well out of date by then presumably .
5 ‘ We would like to see qualified people who are technically up to date . ’
6 A number of them are duplicated in Windows 3.1 and these are more up to date versions .
7 Even after a period when interest rates were higher than we would have liked , 39 mortgage payers are still up to date .
8 So fast is the decline that the figures are hopelessly out of date .
9 Local changes can be detected from employment , taxation and social security records and also Executive Councils ' lists of general practitioners ' patients ( though these are notoriously out of date especially for age groups having little need of medical care and therefore slow to register with a new GP after moving ) .
10 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
11 In politics just as in morals there can be obsessions with old forms of life which are now out of date .
12 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
13 no , eat by the seventh so what 's today 's date the sixth , tomorrow 's the seventh there 's no hold on sixth today seventh eighth is Sunday , no it must be the ninth , oh god I 'm totally out of date I do n't even know what date it is let's have one of these that 'll make a change
14 Answer guide : This information tends to be more up to date and detailed as compared to published accounting information .
15 I think you 'll find , but they might be more up to date than Mike
16 She had n't actually intended to go in , but the window display caught her eye and , without thinking , she wandered in , to look , certainly not to buy , until she realised with a pang of guilt , as she gazed at the racks of colourful fashions , that everything in her wardrobe must be hopelessly out of date .
17 With the publication of Slate a guide to the Llanberis area slate quarries , Snowdonia is now only missing two volumes in order to be relatively up to date in guidebook coverage terms .
18 This has implications for advanced training of students in techniques relevant to modern industrial processes , it severely limits the ability of lecturing staff to be fully up to date with new technologies and it limits the ability to provide ‘ state-of-the-art ’ technology and training at tertiary level for both indigenous and multinational companies .
19 While it is not possible to be completely up to date , the user should not buy models with in-built obsolescence .
20 Those rates may be completely out of date by the time a statement of the special damages claimed is drawn up , and even more so by the time the action is tried .
21 Obviously , much of the information recorded here will be very out of date , but the families of those incriminated might still be powerful , rich , and/or engaged in cultist activities , necromancy , or generally nefarious deeds .
22 The Act does little more than authorise the Secretary of State to issue rules for the regulation of prisons and the Prison Rules 1964 , though subsequently amended , can be shown to be very out of date .
23 Our research was conducted before the Children Act , but little in the legislation makes us believe our findings to be significantly out of date .
24 Control systems are frequently out of date .
25 Many sciences moreover share the characteristic that a major discovery means that all other models and theories are simply out of date and have to be discarded .
26 erm the old-fashioned Romany gipsy , about whom we all have romantic ideas that are well out of date , to tinkers whether they are Irish or Scots .
27 She hoped his maps were more up to date and accurate than the one she had bought at the newsstand .
28 Unlike the first one , which had found that many of the coalfields had not been mapped , this one reported that the existing maps were seriously out of date .
29 Erm apparently there was a training course held on the twenty eighth of Jan erm the procedures were actually out of date at that time , and Mike on security ?
30 The Lowsons were reckoned to be very good farmers and they were very up to date .
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