Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to see [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But not all are sorry to see the squadron go .
2 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
3 I am sorry to see the number of subscribers fall so vastly short of what appeared to the other volume .
4 Reg Brealey said yesterday : ‘ I am sorry to see the club in this position . ’
5 The Dutch might have been willing to see a world without territorial empire , if only it had been possible to keep up a trading system on that basis .
6 The French felt that the existing structure of power was illegitimate , and a clear majority would have been prepared to see an extension of worker control over management 's powers of decision …
7 Health and Safety and COSHH have been very active in the year and I am delighted to see the way all of our service staff have responded to this .
8 He was tough to handle , ’ said Hansen , who would have been delighted to see the Dane acting as peacemaker in the volatile Manchester derby at Old Trafford this week .
9 They 're grateful to see a lot of the ‘ deadwood at the top ’ removed , ticking off long-time retainers like the number two guy Jack Smith , senior vice president of operations , once considered a possible Olsen successor , Jay Atlas , vice president for US channels and Don Zereski , once US area vice president .
10 There is a perception amongst informed people in the community that there may well be a shortage of long stay beds in Leicestershire and you do need to bear in mind that the National Health Service is increasingly going down the road of not keeping people in hospitals longer than they have to because hospitals are perceived as being very , a very expensive way of providing beds and you have to take that into account because that 's a fairly clear national policy and you are likely to see an acceleration in that process from what I read in the national press .
11 Roger said : ‘ Having heard so much about TNT while I was in Australia I am pleased to see it working so successfully and in particular I am glad to see a continuation of product supply into the sales organisation as a direct result of TNT principles . ’
12 In the end the fourteen-stone collier had been glad to see the back of her .
13 We are glad to see the bay being redeveloped , and hope that it will be a great success .
14 He added : ‘ We are glad to see the back of him . ’
15 The more people say such things to themselves the more these thoughts become automatic and fixed , and the less they are able to see a future for themselves .
16 So while crickets , grasshoppers and cicadas are easily heard by such creatures as ourselves , these same airborne vibrations may actually be seen , as well as heard , by the fellow members of their own species , much as we are able to see the air shimmering with heat as it rises off hot rocks .
17 If the case is going to committee you are able to see the agenda and relevant background papers three working days in advance of the meeting , which will be held in public .
18 It is vital that relatives are able to see the consultant , nurse or social worker on their own if we wish to .
19 Although CPRW has not been prominent among the various warring groups who have fought to protect their interests over recent years , I assume we are concerned to see the river environment and its considerable amenity value protected .
20 This will be welcomed by all those who are concerned to see an improvement in Scotland 's infrastructure .
21 have I been able to see a fight so clearly …
22 If I had been able to see a copy of the local Communist party paper , I would have learned that I — with many others — had been unmasked as a conspirator and an enemy of the state .
23 It must be almost dawn , she thought absently ; an hour ago she had not been able to see a thing .
24 One example er , a couple of examples erm , we 've worked together with the unions in Moulinex in northern France who bought Swan Kettles er which is where the G M B is erm is highly organized and er in those er meetings between the unions in , in Moulinex and Swan we 've been able to see the disparity between the conditions and the wages and be able to speak about ways in which people can go back to their , to their er workplace and work on that with that knowledge .
25 I kind of wished I 'd sat behind Verity ; I would n't have seen so much of her — not even a hint of that slim , smooth face , frowning in concentration as she barrelled the big black Beemer towards the next corner — but I would n't have been able to see the speedometer , either .
26 In fact M42 is only the brightest part of a vast nebular cloud which covers most of Orion , but I have never been able to see the rest of it with binoculars .
27 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
28 Only Mr. Smith said he had been able to see the man 's face .
29 The Ridgery was still in view but they were now much further from it and Ridgery Butts was well behind them almost out of sight ; Allen had just been able to see the church tower .
30 It 's the first time in all my life I 've been able to see the back of my nails from the palms of my hands . ’
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