Example sentences of "[be] [prep] the first importance " in BNC.

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1 This phenomenon of mastery of the anal drive turns out to be of the first importance for pastoral peoples because , as I have demonstrated elsewhere , pastoral psychology is often based on the introjection of sadistic drives which would otherwise threaten the herds on which the pastoralist depends for his existence .
2 The work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law is of the first importance in this area .
3 ‘ Whatever you see never exists simply and solely by itself , as an isolated sign or symbol , but by playing its part within a context in which relatedness as such is of the first importance ’ .
4 This advance is of the first importance to the population of the People 's Republic of China , and an agreement is being entered into between the Rank Xerox Unit and the Demography Institute of the University of Peking in Beijing .
5 Secondly , an individual needs to undergo toilet-training not merely because of the demands of common decency and modern personal hygiene , but , much more importantly , because we live in a culture in which an ability to control sadistic drives is of the first importance , both for the quality of our civilization and for the acquisition and protection of our cultural wealth in general .
6 Its lessening and perhaps even virtual disappearance in some cases as a culturally-marked developmental period is of the first importance and is one of the most disquieting symptoms of modern social change .
7 This information is of the first importance .
8 His company decimated by murderous shell-fire even before reaching the objective , Jubert found himself alone , possibly the only surviving officer , and sent off a message to his battalion commander : ‘ I do not know where I am , but the position is of the first importance , and I have only ten men to hold it . ’
9 This was of the first importance to him .
10 Lord Denning said that it had to be so serious that it was of the first importance that offenders be brought to justice .
11 The support Peter de Montfort gave Earl Simon was of the first importance .
12 She took the torch , using it freely now because speed was of the first importance , and stealth of none at all , and went on down the slippery path towards the thick box hedge , behind which the invisible red roof hung , representing help and companionship .
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