Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to use the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the letter-writing task , candidates are recommended to use the letter layout adopted by the British Standards Institution ( PD 6506 : 1982 ) , but the examiners will accept a variety of current layouts , provided they are followed consistently .
2 In the letter writing task , candidates are recommended to use the letter layout adopted by the British Standards Institution ( PD 6506 : 1982 ) , but the examiners will accept a variety of current layouts , provided they are followed consistently .
3 She has been told that members of the Lords are permitted to use the facilities provided by the Commons — the bar , the library , etc — and trot up and down the Commons corridors .
4 But one theory is that the Mujahideen are seeking to use the election to demonstrate that opposition to the mullahs is alive and strong .
5 It is worth noting the conclusions of John Goodman of Kent County Council , where a serious attempt has been made to use the provisions , recorded in ‘ Mineral Planning ’ this year :
6 To compensate , the latter category are allowed longer slices of time when they are selected to use the processor .
7 And we 're goin' to use the money to buy something else . ’
8 If you then er , it will then ask you over what period do you want to right so if you press the end key that will submit the job erm it asks for the sample period , we 're going to use the whole of the sample , so if you just press the return key , that 's the default for the whole of the sample , right , it then asks you what procedure you want to use to estimate the model , we 're going to use O L S option one , just press the return key O L S then the computer has estimated the model , right .
9 Now we 're going to use the slip ( Silver and Knitmaster ) , Part ( Brother ) and Empty ( Toyota ) control on the main carriage .
10 If we 're going to use The Circus as the theme for our drama we need to consider another dramatic frame than simply putting together all the different acts , for example :
11 ‘ They 're going to use the company cars for the funeral ? ’
12 You 're going to use the piano that 's there ?
13 Molly uses soap and water to wash her face so we 're going to use the cleansing gel which lathers up like soap .
14 In the meanwhile , if we 're going to use the B/R grant pretty soon , can I just leave it in the current account ?
15 In Leeds , for example , some magistrates are deciding to use the powers to bind over parents for a sum of money : if the child reoffends the cash if forfeit .
16 In fact , even the sighted cousins of these creatures are thought to use the brain receptor for photoperiod perception .
17 We are going to use the file as input ad if we left the CR at the end , the line would be entered before we had a change to edit it .
18 Residence guests are invited to use the hotel 's restaurants , bar , swimming pool terraces , beach and tennis facilities , and are entitled to all the special offers described for the hotel .
19 Residence Elena has a small lake where guests might like to take a swim , except on Thursdays , Saturdays and Sundays when they are invited to use the lake for a little fishing .
20 Hostile staff or fellow prisoners are known to use the technique of ‘ winding you up ’ to force a display of feeling , which is then punished or ridiculed .
21 The General Council of British Shipping quotes a survey as reporting that those ships which had been found to use the Minches route had done so only because of poor weather conditions .
22 For the time being , western governments are voicing outrage over the threats to church and Chihana , and are threatening to use the aid weapon to open Malawi to the region 's wind of change .
23 They should be taught to use the evidence in a text to interpret and form judgements about characters ' motivations , and be able to quote that evidence in support of their views .
24 I see the force of the point that councillors should be trusted to use the right to sue for libel only in circumstances where it is necessary in the public interest .
25 In the leading case of Lawrence ( 1981 ) it was held that reckless driving consists of driving which creates an obvious and serious risk of causing physical injury to some other person who might be happening to use the road or of doing substantial damage to property , and that the fault element is that the driver either failed to give any thought to the possibility of such a risk or , having recognized the existence of a risk , went on to take it .
26 Trainees will be expected to use the CAB information system in order to try to resolve the problems .
27 It will also have some impact on training commitments required of users , and whether end-users can be expected to use the system independently or whether they will need the assistance of an intermediary .
28 There was no suggestion that an innocent recipient should be permitted to use the documents ( by the same token there was no suggestion that the recipients were innocent of the means by which the documents had been obtained ) .
29 Householders who are staying at home rather than moving into bigger houses during the property recession , will be looking to use the loft space for growing families .
30 The plaintiffs then argued that they were entitled to equal treatment by the law ; it was unjust that they should be compelled to use the Convention , the translation requirements of which they found insurmountably expensive , whilst the foreign defendant was under no such burden .
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