Example sentences of "[be] [verb] members [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During the Second World War most Italians were interned as enemy aliens , even though they may have been respected members of the community for 30 or 40 years — and even had relatives serving in the British forces .
2 But there is no need to send a market counterparty notice to another SFA member if both are trading members of the same investment exchange .
3 No I do n't think I have , indeed I am meeting members of the grass roots of the party this afternoon .
4 But police are warning members of the public not to approach him .
5 The two ministers , who had been leading members of the defunct Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , were accused by Koffigoh of failing to show solidarity with the government .
6 The objectives are to help members of the public to find their way through this information store and to transmit their orders for particular journeys or holidays to the providers of those services .
7 In future , those who would have received it will be made Members of the British Empire , seen as a ‘ white-collar award ’
8 Not surprisingly it was just basic self-respect that forced movie men to improve their image and to state their claim to be accepted members of the business community .
9 There will also be voting members from the British Association of Road Races , and the Road Runners Club on the Commission : ‘ We felt it was important to recognise the work they have done , and will continue to do in the sport , ’ says Gostelow .
10 It gives me pleasure to move the adoption of resolution three , that the executive committee be constituted as on page two of the resolution paper to consist of not more than thirty two members , and that those people listed on page two , be elected members of the executive committee .
11 The following have been appointed members of the Library and Information Services Council for three years : Keith Crawshaw , director of Libraries and Information Services , Sheffield City Council ; Peter Cox , assistant director ( Leisure and Libraries ) , City of Westminster ; Duncan Turner , managing director , James Askew Ltd .
12 Unfortunately , Mr Bones takes his work home with him , and he 's been making members of the LUSH sick by bringing the skulls of baby birds to dinner .
13 Durham now boast a membership of about 1,200 , of which 600 are playing members with the rest social or juniors .
14 Both were founding members of the popular organization , the BPR , in 1975 .
15 They were to meet members of the Board of Trade at six o'clock and were scheduled to be available for public questioning at a meeting on the mezzanine floor of the hotel at seven .
16 All were considered members of the ‘ old guard ’ at GM .
17 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
18 Prime Minister Muhammad Hamzah al-Zubaydi , Interior Minister Ali Hasan al-Majid and the head of the Ba'ath Party secretariat , Mizban Khader Hadi , were appointed members of the Revolutionary Command Council ( RCC ) on Oct. 5 following Ba'ath Party elections in September [ see also p. 38452 ] .
19 Because its prime concern had to be the restoration of viability , then where that implied a loss of jobs , the Agency would only recommend rescue if the workforce understood and accepted the implication , would arrange for the selection of those who were to become members of the co-operative and , by exclusion , decide who would lose their jobs .
20 Senior White House aides and CIA officials have been telling members of the Congressional Intelligence Committees this week that Gen Noriega is drinking heavily , taking drugs , and is so nervous that he moves addresses four and five times a night .
21 But he 's been telling members of the Environmental Protection Committee this afternoon that he has every confidence in the steps that Thames Water has taken to prevent an recurrence of the events of eighteen months ago .
22 and the role of the team worker is to support members of the team by building on their suggestions , , they improve communications and foster team spirit .
23 Apart from the first thing of people coming in and bastardising your work , I think to then actually sell that as our work — it 's not only immoral against us , but I think it 's conning members of the public too . ’
24 The normal merger procedure is to ask members of the society being transferred — in this case the Guardian — for permission to merge .
25 Yet at the same time as he was representing members of the Cali cartel , Mr Abbell was on Capitol Hill lobbying for changes in the international treaty on extradition which would favour the defendants in such cases .
26 One of her earliest V.I.P. cruises was to transport members of the Board of Customs to Port Ellen in Islay to open a new distillery .
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