Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to pay for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the price you are expected to pay for a varied and entertaining job with an above average wage .
2 Under the Institute 's standards , for example , training organisations are expected to pay for the students ' first examination attempt .
3 sole practitioners are expected to pay for the dishonesty of partners through their contributions to the Indemnity Fund ;
4 So on the second stage of the refurbishment they 're going to pay for the lot ?
5 Now some of the money raised from its sale has been used to pay for a new art Gallery .
6 But the very thoroughness with which British industry had been converted to war work , the degree to which overseas investment had been sold to pay for the war effort , and the war-weariness accumulated over six years of privation created a twin dilemma : public expectations of a better post-war world had increased in reverse proportion to the capacity of the British economy to finance it .
7 He asked how we are going to pay for the borrowing .
8 Since we the taxpayers are having to pay for the programme , can the Minister at least listen to the taxpayers on this and spend these huge sums of money on all our children and not just a few ?
9 It seems odd that I should be expected to pay for the privilege of assisting in this way , in particular , as I doubt that these changes will alleviate the falling numbers of applicants to medical schools in the UK .
10 Why should n't , why should n't we be made to pay for a health service ?
11 Dr Higgs is the only one left for those who believe someone must be seen to pay for the Cleveland controversy .
12 But it also offered other advantages — protection of British jobs against cheap foreign imports , and an inflow of customs duties to the Treasury which could be used to pay for the escalating costs of both armaments and social reforms .
13 For example , it is capital expenditure that will finance the development of a new leisure centre while current expenditure will be used to pay for the running costs , for example staff , heating and lighting , etc .
14 This yield will fall in a period of inflation because a progressively larger amount of money will be needed to pay for the same quantity of goods and services .
15 These would have to be raised to pay for the damage they caused in acid rain and global warming .
16 Pensioners who have given a lifetime 's service to the nation should not be asked to pay for a T V licence , and those out of work through no fault of their own , except for a government policy .
17 Although the treatment is free , the patient may well be asked to pay for the tests used in diagnosis , and for a woman who wished to be screened for , say , gonorrhoea , trichomoniasis , and candidiasis , the bill might come to 250 francs , without the blood tests for syphilis , and if she was unfortunate enough to have an ulcer that might be syphilitic or herpetic , a further 150 francs could be added to the bill .
18 No patient and no hospital will be asked to pay for the blood you donate .
19 The Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines , ZCCM , will be asked to pay for the environmental damage it has allegedly caused for the last 24 years , under the terms of the recently-approved Environment and Pollution Act .
20 Troubled Telecom Eireann has abandoned a plan to build a new headquarters in Ballsbridge , Dublin , and the decision may cost the company more than £6m ; it bought the site for £9.4m in 1990 , but it is now worth only around £5m ; the company may also be required to pay for a government investigation into the purchase , which is also under scrutiny from the Fraud Office .
21 A motorist whose car damaged a crash barrier has been asked to pay for the repairs — even though the accident was n't her fault .
22 Mrs Thatcher will have to be satisfied with the assurances she will receive from Mr Bush , who will tell her that , since defence cuts are politically inevitable , it is far better for modest and planned reductions to be proposed by his cabinet and the Pentagon than for swingeing cuts to be imposed by the US Congress , which is already chafing at the thought of the US budget deficit being deepened to pay for the defence of the wealthy Europeans .
23 I AM deeply concerned at the prospect of sick people being made to pay for the Government 's mismanagement of the economy .
24 He knew he was wealthy , set up for life , but he was already being made to pay for the taking of those lives : almost every night since , he had been troubled by dreams in which he found himself face to face once more with his victims .
25 It is terrible that people are being made to pay for the non-payers .
26 DERBY were made to pay for a sloppy display of defending as Guy Whittingham scored after seven and 50 minutes to take his season 's tally to 29 .
27 1897 the Royal Navy conducted a punitive expedition against Benin ( in what is now Nigeria ) and brought back to Britain a large number of bronze castings which were sold to pay for the raid .
28 For the peasantry , the terms of Emancipation , under which they were compelled to pay for the land , were a bitter disappointment .
29 Others have set up one-year and two-year training courses in church planting , encouraging those being trained to pay for the privilege and so contributing to the financing of church planting , as well as providing workers in training .
30 Local authorities in Scotland are being asked to pay for a Soviet ship to measure radioactive and chemical pollution in Scottish coastal waters .
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