Example sentences of "[be] [verb] by the ec " in BNC.

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1 Fare-fixing ( two or more airlines fixing a price for a route ) has always been forbidden by the EC , but that has n't stopped it .
2 ICI , in its involvement during the 1980s in illegal cartels for polypropylene , PVC and other materials , has been shown by the EC to threaten competition more on its own than Hanson ever has .
3 Portuguese subsidies to the state-owned petrochemical company Companhia Nacional de Petroquimica ( CNP ) have been condemned by the EC Commission .
4 ‘ The two draft regulations which have been proposed by the EC are designed to protect local foodstuffs . ’
5 HIGHER tobacco taxes and national targets for reducing the number of people who smoke should be considered by the EC , health minister Dr Brian Mawhinney told a seminar in London today .
6 An undertaking which abuses its dominant position on a particular product and geographic market may be fined by the EC Commission or sued in reliance on Article 86 for damages and/or an injunction in a national court by a party that has suffered damage .
7 The table shows the results of a doubling of Eastern Europe 's farm exports ( from their pre-reform levels in 1989 ) , assuming that all the increase would be bought by the EC , and that the increase in EC imports would be allowed to depress farm prices — the worst case , as EC farmers would see it .
8 The matter is shortly to be discussed by the EC Council of Ministers .
9 The Chief Secretary then sought to imply that the Government might in some way be forced by the EC to extend the coverage of VAT .
10 Under new disputes procedures , ( i ) competition cases would be handled by the EC Commission and the ECJ if they involved companies from both the EC and EFTA ( and by EFTA only if they concerned only EFTA companies ) ; ( ii ) disagreements over the operation of the EEA would go to a joint EEA political committee , with either party having the right to seek binding arbitration if the issue were unresolved ; and ( iii ) the ECJ would have sole powers to rule on the interpretation of EEA laws , while EFTA courts would give their " best endeavours " to comply with such rulings .
11 A technical report is expected to be released by the EC next week .
12 It is expected that a technical report will be released by the EC next week .
13 Research grants worth £420million have been announced by the EC , revealing its plans for the third set of Esprit projects .
14 Progress is being eased by the EC Common Agricultural Policy 's set-aside rules , which require farmers to take 15 per cent of their land out of use if they wish to benefit from guaranteed prices .
15 Speculation grew that Peter Sutherland , former EC competition commissioner , is being sought by the EC commission to replace Arthur Dunkel as director-general of GATT .
16 Major sets of proposals were submitted by the EC on Sept. 25-26 and by the USA on Oct. 25-26 .
17 The government should instead aim to harmonize the tax levels with those currently being planned by the EC , in advance of Sweden 's anticipated accession to that body , the industrialists argue .
18 He described a situation where external economic relations were managed by the EC and where foreign policy was controlled by member governments as leading to " organized schizophrenia " .
19 More than £100m of aid directed to areas hit by industrial decline has already been withheld by the EC funding under the RECHAR programme intended to help revive run-down mining areas .
20 But look which cultural projects have been funded by the EC almost incidentally over the last few years , and you see that in practise it is likely to be a thoroughly benign Leviathan .
21 Brameur is one of a consortium of European companies which have been funded by the EC to advise and participate in the development of visual information systems for institutions including the Louvre and the National Gallery .
22 But the extension will not apply to those in one year set-aside for which the deadline for the receipt of applications is regulated by the EC .
23 This conference , which is supported by the EC , WHO , IUPAC and Cefic , is a sequel to the Society 's conferences Toxic hazard assessment of chemicals , in 1986 and Risk assessment of chemicals in the environment , in 1988 .
24 Greenpeace 's toxics campaigner , Tim Birch , accused the government of playing down the risks so as not to undermine its £4 billion Mersey basin clean-up campaign , which is backed by the EC .
25 The Europeans are paid by the EC , the British by the Atomic Energy Authority .
26 The use of mutual recognition was accepted by the EC when the " New approach to technical harmonisation " was adopted in 1985 .
27 The European Commission had approved a draft negotiating mandate only on May 8 , and this was adopted by the EC Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers on June 18 , two days before full negotiations were due to open .
28 A BAN on animal tests for beauty products was agreed by the EC yesterday — with a big get-out clause .
29 The turmoil in foreign exchange markets of the late 1960s was perceived by the EC member countries as placing in jeopardy the successes achieved in establishing a customs union and the common agricultural policy .
30 The agreement , reached at an informal conference in Amsterdam , was described by the EC Environment Commissioner , Carlo Ripa di Meana , as a " turning point in environment policy , a shift from command-and-control methods to taking the environment into the market place " .
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