Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in the commons " in BNC.

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1 The King was particularly anxious to dispel the view expressed by Campbell Stephen and Lansbury that he was hostile to Labour ; and he told J. C. C. Davidson , a confidant of Baldwin , on 21 January after the Conservatives had been defeated in the Commons , that ‘ it was essential that their rights under the Constitution should in no way be impaired ’ .
2 The question had been raised in the Commons during the debates on the Bill , when Churchill indicated that the Board of Trade hoped for co-operation between labour exchanges and local education authorities ( LEAs ) in the sharing of information , and that in certain instances Juvenile Advisory Committees ( JACs ) could be established .
3 A similar amendment had been introduced in the Commons and quickly voted down by the government .
4 A Private Members Bill , Transactions with Tax Havens , which has all-party support , has been introduced in the Commons by Conservative backbencher David Shaw .
5 Labour say they believe it 's unlikely the decision will be overturned in the Commons .
6 LORD TEBBIT vowed yesterday that the ‘ wretched ’ Maastricht treaty could still be defeated in the Commons , despite the setback to the Euro-rebels over the social chapter .
7 Perhaps petitions could be presented in the Commons .
8 Peter Lilley , the trade secretary , is thought to be underperforming in the Commons .
9 Arran announced that he would prefer a Bill of this nature to be introduced in the Commons , but that he would keep his Bill going in the Lords until an MP could be found to sponsor an equivalent measure in the other House .
10 This matter must be clarified before any further consideration of the bill can be contemplated in the Commons and we shall be demanding such clarification from the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary . ’
11 The outcome , however , was unchanged ; the compromise clause meeting the same fate as the amendment suspending the death penalty , being carried in the Commons , but again defeated in the Lords .
12 Suppose that within the five-year term the Government were defeated in the Commons on a topic so important that it regarded it as a matter of confidence in itself .
13 Protests were made in the Commons over the exclusion of Argyll and Bute and western parts of Moray from the regional grant earmarked by the European Commission for the Highlands and Islands .
14 A private member 's Bill which would reform the law on Sunday trading is currently being promoted in the Commons by Labour back-bencher Ray Powell .
15 No doubt he will be giving the point more thought after being assailed in the Commons yesterday over the behaviour of his Northern Ireland minister , Michael Mates .
16 The control of Parliament is perhaps even better illustrated by the fact that few pieces of legislation have been lost in the Commons in the ten years since Mrs Thatcher became prime minister — the Shops Bill comes to mind , but there is talk of its reintroduction in a future session .
17 Around 1,400 civilian workers at the training station for naval recruits will be told the news at 3.30pm , and a statement is expected in the Commons shortly after .
18 This is recognised in the Commons Environment Committee 's recent report .
19 Any chance of a Government defeat when the white paper is debated in the Commons on Monday has now been averted with even the majority of hardcore rebels threatening to abstain rather than vote against the Government .
20 The Government was defeated in the Commons last week over a Labour move requiring Britain 's 24 full representatives and 24 alternate representatives on the committee of the regions , an EC advisory body , to be elected councillors .
21 In the event , no more than a single amendment was made in the Commons .
22 THE BBC 's new director general John Birt should repay ‘ all the tax avoided ’ when he was paid as a freelance consultant , the Prime Minister was told in the Commons yesterday .
23 John Major was speaking in the Commons in the wake of Monday 's boycott , which left the Government 's English reading and writing test for 14-year-olds in tatters .
24 He then spoke out against the legislation , from the backbenches , when it was introduced in the Commons .
25 As a full judicial inquiry was announced in the Commons , the Government was savaged for ‘ covering up its collusion and connivance ’ in shipping machine tools for weapons to Saddam Hussein .
26 In August it was remarked in the Commons that , ‘ Wherever you go now in every constituency you are met by the aged people and their organizations . ’
27 When in 1970 the minister was introducing in the Commons legislation which created the NIRC , he said that the NIRC 's existence showed ‘ in fact as well as in symbol ’ that the provisions of the Bill would not be arbitrarily implemented by the Secretary of State of the day but would ‘ depend on the rule of the law ’ .
28 When the Beveridge report was debated in the Commons in mid-February 1943 Churchill himself was ill and the government 's case was argued by Sir Kingsley Wood , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , a Conservative , and Sir John Anderson , the Lord President , who was a former civil servant elevated to ministerial rank .
29 YOU 'LL recall that Tory MP Nicholas Soames was sighted in the Commons wearing an unlikely lapel badge : Tortoise Lovers Against Cruise .
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