Example sentences of "[be] [verb] itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was also , in his view , unpardonable on grounds of principle , since by the autumn of 1940 Vichy seemed to be aligning itself with the foreign policy of the Nazi regime and aspects of its political ideology .
2 Business Objects SA , a French software house that markets an object-oriented data access tool for end-users which bypasses SQL , will be launching itself onto the UK market next Wednesday .
3 Molesworth claimed that the House would not be committing itself to the larger scheme , nevertheless it was not in a mood for what George Bankes called an ‘ extensive scheme to enable Cabinet Ministers to entertain foreign visitors and their friends ’ .
4 ‘ If , ’ he says , ‘ the city council grants full planning permission for The Galleries in the next few weeks , it will not simply be shooting itself in the foot but blowing off its entire leg . ’
5 If the bird were dashing itself against the bars , feathers flying , then the similarities to human suffering would arouse impulses to assist , even to release it , like the giraffe .
6 The company has been familiarising itself with the technology with its own experimental highly parallel scalar machine called the AP1000 , and it clearly does not trust the literature — it says that it was this machine that taught Fujitsu scientists that ‘ parallel supercomputing requires a radically different approach to programming ’ .
7 I note that , yet again , the Liberal party is aligning itself with the Labour party on social and taxation matters .
8 Milpitas , California-based , LSI Logic Corp is catapulting itself into the X terminal market introducing the RISC-based Racer X Board , which allows OEMs to build monochrome or colour X-terminals based on the MIPS Computer Systems Inc R3000 RISC .
9 Computervision Corp so wants to put its sad ownership by Prime Computer Inc behind it that it is remaking itself in the pure computer-aided design software image of the company Prime acquired as quickly as it can .
10 In 1983 gas , coal and nuclear power accounted for 16% , 9% and 1% respectively of energy demand and it is gas which is establishing itself as the most significant oil alternative .
11 The truth is that the party leadership , in contradiction to its own declarations , is ridding itself of the democratic wing of the party and is preparing for social revenge and for a party and state coup . "
12 Now it is selling itself as the natural arena for developing companies in the new Länder .
13 Clarify , however , is positioning itself against the others as the most ‘ haute couture ’ of the breed , the kind of house that could easily mushroom into a $100m enterprise in just a few years .
14 The UK 's Ampersand Systems Ltd , Bristol , is re-launching itself as the Open Systems Centre , and as has picked up IBM 's RS/6000 to market .
15 Stylistically , Samson is distancing itself from the very audience it should inspire , but by doing so Milton is helping to avoid potential censorship and a silencing altogether .
16 I have a problem with my marine fish — in particular with a Regal Tang which is scratching itself against the tufa rock .
17 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
18 Naval regional officer Commander Bill Sidgwick said : ‘ The aim is to show the public how the Royal Navy is adapting itself to the modern changing world .
19 Our novelist 's intellectual humour is asserting itself beneath the narrative .
20 BODO 'S EPIC misinterpretation of my failure at Lani 's established itself as the authorized version of events .
21 Unix International has been arming itself for the war against Microsoft NT .
22 Those first six dancers had come to celebrate the newly awakened school of English classical dance that was establishing itself with the coming of peace .
23 Perhaps the most obvious illustration of the extent to which trade was forcing itself upon the often unwilling attention of traditional diplomacy was the creation of a new type of diplomat most clearly typified by the commercial attaché .
24 Security officials feared that it was re-establishing itself in the region , possibly with the help of the small Catalan secessionist group Terra Lliure .
25 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
26 Yet many party supporters were outraged by this betrayal of the Whig tradition , and the very fact that the issue of liberty of conscience could now be given a low priority in the party agenda is perhaps indicative of the beginnings of the process whereby Whiggery was to divorce itself from the cause of Dissent .
27 It was sunning itself on the path .
28 It was Saturday morning and suburbia was busying itself with the tasks it likes so much .
29 From the other side of the room , from the shadows of the wood-store where they had entered , something was dragging itself across the floor towards them …
30 This body was to turn itself into the Labour Party in 1906 .
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