Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] the face " in BNC.

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1 In this section we examine the clash of interests which soil erosion brings about , and we ask whose interests they are and how they are pursued in the face of conflict .
2 The [ draft ] FRS requires that non-equity interests in shareholders ' funds , non-equity interests in minority interests , and convertible debt are disclosed on the face of the balance sheet rather than in the notes to the financial statements .
3 It was clear by the end of 1989 that the Commission 's plans to introduce a uniform 15 per cent withholding tax on capital savings had been dropped in the face of vigorous opposition from many member states ( see also p. 36494 ) .
4 Few fights — occasionally , you 'd get a man who 'd been gashed in the face with a bottle , that had been drunk in the bar and you 'd be called in and you 'd take him to hospital .
5 He had been looking for the Face of Death .
6 The tomb and treasures in Dorchester have been featured in The Face of Tutankhamun , a new BBC documentary series which recently featured on BBC 2 .
7 So really it 's for information Chairman , but it 's a watch this space one , I think , because , I think there is probably more behind the steps that have been taken here , as we 're seeing on the face of it at the moment .
8 Tragically , this type of use has been overtaken by non-sustainable exploitation , where massive tracts of rainforest are wiped off the face of the earth for logs , cattle grazing , mining and construction development .
9 The tesserae are larger than those " of the Cupids or Lion and Stag panels , although small tesserae are used in the face of Oceanus .
10 They 'd been wiped off the face of the earth before they could taste her fury .
11 ‘ It 's as if he 's been wiped off the face of the earth ! ’
12 But as , presumably , they had been wiped off the face of the earth by someone pretty close to Ella Walsh or Rose Fox , there seemed little point in asking about them .
13 More fundamentally , no one knows why sunspots should occur at all — or perhaps these days we should call them ‘ starspots ’ , since similar areas of ( comparatively ) low energy emission have now been detected on the faces of other stars .
14 ‘ You can take it from me , Titron was supposed to have been melted off the face of the earth .
15 Banking and Tory party sources say that ministerial proposals to charge students a proportion of their tuition fees and other more radical ideas have been abandoned in the face of tough Treasury opposition , the perceived weakening of Mrs Thatcher 's position following Mr Nigel Lawson 's resignation , and her declared intention not to serve a full fourth term if re-elected .
16 The two of them slept deeply , unaware of the camera that had watched their silent lovemaking , the camera that was so small it could be hidden in the face of the heating control on the wall by the window .
17 FRED 3 proposes that an analysis of total shareholders ' funds between amounts attributable to equity and non-equity interest be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet .
18 The following should be disclosed on the face of the profit and loss account :
19 It requires that the amount of debtors due after more than one year should be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet when it is so material in the context of total net current assets that disclosure in the notes alone may lead readers to misinterpret the accounts .
20 For listed companies the earnings per share on a net basis should be disclosed on the face of the profit and loss account .
21 ‘ Look at them well , ’ said The Daily Graphic ( 16 November 1900 ) when the dust had settled a little and the danger could be looked in the face , ‘ They are the genuine article — real Hooligans ’ :
22 The legal question is how far the trust can be respected in the face of the onslaught of creditors .
23 A weekly face-pack , or mask as they are often called , can be applied to the face and neck after ordinary cleansing , or better still , after an aromatic bath or facial steam while the skin is still moist and warm and therefore , more receptive to whatever you put on it .
24 No check should ever be destroyed ; if errors are made , the word ‘ cancelled ’ should be written across the face and it should be left in its numbered order .
25 For instance , if someone knew that John and Mary always talk a lot when they go out , then that inference might be made in the face of example ( 4 ) , leading to a further set of mappings in which both John and Mary map into the same role-slot ( both are agents in a talking schema ) .
26 The theory on which the charge is founded will seem even more elusive , and in practice the collection of development charge will have to be made in the face of increasing public resistance .
27 ‘ If players consistently break the laws of the game , they deserve to be whacked in the face .
28 The magistrate was having none of this , however , believing that it would lower the dignity of the law , although the prosecuting counsel had a better idea and asked Mr Gamage if he was equally prepared to be shot in the face .
29 Or invest in a foundation-and-powder compact which can be whizzed over the face first thing and used to touch up a shiny nose or chin during the day .
30 But then she would expl exude an atmosphere , the house could breath evil through her walls if she concentrated hard enough and the smiles would be wiped off the faces of those to whom money was no object .
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