Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [art] good job " in BNC.

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1 They 're doin' a good job all round .
2 It 's the only way they can go around harassing and criminalizing black kids and think they 're doing a good job .
3 But from what I can gather from his scrawls you 're doing a good job . ’
4 So it 's easy for me to sit here and say , we think we 're doing a good job on the environment , because we 're not threatened , we do have to find ways round existing chemicals , we may have to pay , pay a higher price , but we 're not threatened in terms of the the core of our bottom line .
5 ‘ You 're doing a good job . ’
6 Well I think I 've been rather more fortunate , the two branch managers I 've had er , before , I 'd not had long enough , er , both have given albeit not regular , but feedback both positive and negative , er , when you 're doing a good job and when you 're doing a bad job , and er , in all honesty , it 's probably the appraisal itself , that 's actually been unnecessary because of their feedback they 're given me during the year , because the appraisal is just a formal repetition of what 's already been said .
7 They me , they 're doing a good job !
8 Oh you 're doing a good job there John .
9 you 're doing a good job here are n't you ?
10 I 'm I 'd like to know what it 's like running Oxford City Council when , and I 'm sure you think you 're doing an good job and many people probably do think you 're a good job , but there are lots of issues that need discussing .
11 Jordan said , ‘ To tell you the truth , I do n't think we 're making a good job of it . ’
12 Nevertheless , it seems to me that more than a few Frenchwomen are carrying powerful foglamps , and are doing a good job of raging against the dying light .
13 As emphasised in an Equal Opportunities Commission report , just because people are doing a good job which they may have chosen to do , does not mean they should be ignored and left to cope alone :
14 But I think they are doing a good job .
15 The underlying philosophy is one of parents as consumers , who need more accurate information about whether the teacher and the school are doing a good job .
16 So often people say to us that they wish us well and that we are doing a good job .
17 They are doing a good job under difficult circumstances .
18 We are doing a good job but we must not be complacent .
19 The Police have received some unfair criticism but they are doing a good job .
20 And so I , I think the Americans are , are doing a good job , er but there are many many pitfalls ahead , and , and I hope that now that we 've got more troops there , that we will be er carefully consulted , er the whole time before any er drastic action is taken .
21 Unashamedly blowing his own trumpet , he also considers that many of the people he selected for management roles in Esso are doing a better job than the people before them .
22 Frankly I do n't believe that households in which one parent spends all his waking moments either out of the house or refitting the patio doors or under the bonnet of a car are doing a better job than I am , where the kids are concerned , but I have n't got any statistics to prove it .
23 It sounds as if we could learn a great deal from Germany and Holland about , in the health service , erm because their systems by now by all statistical tests of mortality and illness and so on , seem to be doing a better job than ours .
24 But it is not enough to do a good job : our professional conduct committees must be seen to be doing a good job .
25 That way you can be seen to be doing a good job and will have more opportunity for improving your pay and possibly being promoted .
26 They seemed to be doing a good job .
27 At times like that I feel I 'm doing a good job .
28 ‘ The boys do their best , but the girls seem to be making a better job of it ’ gave the impression that boys ca n't dance as well as girls .
29 ‘ The boys do their best , but the girls seem to be making a better job of it ’ gave the impression that boys ca n't dance as well as girls .
30 Being disenchanted with life , they may resent those who are contentedly coping with things as best they can and are making a good job of it .
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