Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a further " in BNC.

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1 The fact that old people would lose out with QALY theory has been given as a further example of injustice .
2 Julian Farrand , the insurance ombudsman , has been reappointed for a further two-year term from 1 January 1993 .
3 It is because of the concern expressed by my hon. Friend and others that the Government are committed to a further increase in the use of the ’ lane rental ’ method of procurement of motorway repairs .
4 has been re-appointed for a further year as part-time member of AEA Board .
5 The creation of a group of special civil servants , including individuals recruited from outside the public service for their expertise or political connections , has been seen as a further desire to strengthen strategic thinking in government .
6 The ban on commercial whaling has been upheld for a further year — prompting threats from Iceland and Norway to leave the International Whaling Commission .
7 Whether or not a reform of this kind will lead , as Sir Keith Joseph maintained , to a general raising of standards of achievement , it has been interpreted as a further encroachment on the part of central government into what is taught and learned in schools .
8 That achievement has been rewarded by a further undisclosed but substantial injection of capital by Courtaulds to strengthen its position .
9 They are also thought to have installed deadly boobytraps before leaving the region where the 100strong Cheshire contingent will soon be joined by a further 2,300 soldiers from the regiment .
10 If the haemoglobin remains normal after a year it should then be checked after a further year or sooner if the patient becomes symptomatic .
11 Bernard Moing , Univel 's regional marketing manager for Europe says , ‘ we 're not expecting any returns on UnixWare until the first quarter of 1993 , and then the take up will be limited for a further period . ’
12 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar provision in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at the consideration of new business and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment out with the month .
13 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar prohibition in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at consideration of new business , and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment outwith the month .
14 They might be re-appointed for a further term but , even then , anyone in his or her late 60s is unlikely to reign long .
15 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
16 Immigration has so far played a relatively minor part in the election campaign , and Mr Baker 's decision to raise it now will be seen as a further attempt by the Tories to prevent their support slipping , particularly among skilled workers and their families .
17 Such moves , some between private companies and others inspired by governments , can be seen as a further restructuring of the European car industry , faced with the increasing challenge of Japanese and other Far Eastern competition .
18 Honey 's work also presents difficulties for the viewer : on the surface it could be seen as a further exploitation of the female either as a child or a woman , but this would not do this work justice .
19 But the meeting will also be seen as a further strengthening of Anglo-Irish ties at a time when the governments in London and Dublin are trying to start new talks aimed at finding a political solution in Ulster .
20 Cars : Car benefits enjoyed by company employees are to be taxed by a further 10 per cent .
21 Following this the results will be developed into specific proposals which will be incorporated in a further consultation paper issued by the DTI .
22 This problem may be related to a further question ; that is the relationship between the code and Salic law in general .
23 However , a report commissioned by the Economy and Exchequer ministries has called for logging concessions to be granted over a further 30 per cent of the country 's native forest .
24 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
25 I had with the permission of the deputy general secretary leave of conference yesterday I was in London to be told of a further nine hundred redundancies from a company that a short time ago was telling us , and if you look at my report you 'll have to delete the first paragraph where they had secured orders and the security of our members ' employment only to be told yesterday , nine hundred will go .
26 In addition , a continuation task will be used as a further method of assessing what is in the mind of the reader after reading a particular text .
27 Compiling a directory of employers willing to employ Downs school leavers provides the framework for clarifying the feasibility and methods that can be used in a further , more substantial research contribution .
28 However , Poulantzas is emphatic that the two are interconnected , and his claim seems to be founded on a further belief about class position .
29 At the end of January the government confirmed that the proposed referendum on whether the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces should be made permanent [ see p. 36735 ] would be postponed for a further six months .
30 Much foreign press comment , most of which was highly sceptical both of the referendum results and of the motives behind it , focussed on the issue of Western Sahara , suggesting that the inclusion of the territory 's people in the voting , and their apparently ready participation , could be shown as a further proof of their supposed attachment to Morocco .
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