Example sentences of "to eat [art] " in BNC.

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1 May own efforts at making custard , on what I think was called a Hydra Burner , may have been forgotten by those who subsequently had to eat the awful stuff , but I am not likely to forget the watery culinary disaster !
2 It is also the meeting of the cultured city dweller , who led Odysseus from undergrowth to city palace , with the savage Cyclops who wished to eat the hero in a cave .
3 Learn to eat the low-fat way
4 The better approach , in my opinion , is to eat the right foods in the first place .
5 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
6 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
7 AT the store on the corner , three drunken men are trying to eat the same hot dog .
8 Although it is normal to be served long grain rice at a Chinese restaurant , it is much easier to eat the shorter grains with chopsticks .
9 They lived with the shepherds and survived chiefly on mutton cooked with wild herbs , spignel meu they found to be a good substitute for rosemary and the child loved to eat the aniseed-flavoured seedheads .
10 She returned to the brightly coloured pages of her magazine , leaving Frankie to eat the last remaining quarter of his jam sandwich in peace .
11 You should still be able to eat the foods you enjoy .
12 Is a certain situation or a certain person tempting you to eat the things you do not really want ?
13 Horses put their feet over low wires all too easily , especially when they are trying to eat the grass on the other side of the fence .
14 A horse that is returned to the paddock after working may only visually check that its normal companions are there , even if they are some distance away , before starting to eat the grass .
15 Then , if the mares are given hay and grain the foals again copy their mothers and learn to eat the new food .
16 ‘ They were spectral figures in pyjama stripes , ’ she recalled , ‘ too weak to eat the food their liberators offered them . ’
17 The glands on the skin contain a powerful irritant which will make any would-be predator think before attempting to eat the salamander .
18 That was why he had walked everywhere on his early journeys ; and now it was the main reason why he was so happy to eat the food which men prepared for him either before or after they had sex , to sit at their dining room tables .
19 Whenever I 'd ask them what they wanted to eat the reply was always the same : ‘ Anything , you choose , Mum ’ .
20 Their guests , Michael and Helen , took an hour and forty minutes to eat the repast , which began with pasta dressed in sour cream and lumpfish roe and incorporated mature Tilseter cheese ( before the pudding ) and a selection of hand-crafted miniature biscuits ( with the coffee ) bought from the Viennese coffee-house on the other side of the railway bridge .
21 If she did n't eat the vegetables , she was almost sure to eat the meat .
22 Its complete lack of any taste was so nauseating that I spat it out and decided to eat the rest of the bread by itself I was finishing this when there was the sound of boots in the passage again .
23 Finally , there are a few killers that have been able to develop a special tolerance for certain poisons , enabling them to eat the noxious prey without ill-effects .
24 And dear old Sambo had provided more amusement by purloining the turkey , so that they had to eat the bread-sauce and chestnut stuffing without their raison d'être !
25 They felt hungry and sat down to eat the bread and cheese from Allen 's wallet .
26 I 'd often come across one or other of the twins , squatting down outside the house , with the red bitch hovering by , waiting to eat the faeces .
27 There are occasions when after a long and difficult dig , and when a long time has elapsed before the recovery of the ferret and rabbit , you may discover that your ferret has scraped at the hindquarters of the rabbit for so long that it has broken the skin , drawn blood and started to eat the rabbit before it died .
28 ‘ The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple . ’
29 Simone said dourly that we were not to eat the croissants as there would n't be enough .
30 The bird will go to eat the seed — when it does , jump on it .
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