Example sentences of "[conj] tried [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 More than half of the children were ignored whatever they did — whether they cried , played or tried to talk to the adult .
2 Marshal Piłsudski ordered the Polish destroyer Wicher to greet , salute and escort the British as if the Accord were still in effect , and Tadeusz Morgenstern , the commander of the destroyer , was instructed that if the Danzig authorities insulted the Polish flag or tried to interfere with the visit in any way , he was to bombard designated targets in the city centre .
3 However , Brahim Ghali , a member of the Polisario Executive Committee , had stated in an interview given to the Madrid newspaper El País of Oct. 22 , 1990 , that if the Moroccan government decided not to agree to the holding of the referendum , or tried to interfere in the running of it , then the armed struggle would be renewed on all fronts .
4 In fact it was rather modernism , as its name implies ( from latin modo , just now , or hodie , today ) , that tried to awake from the nightmare of history , self-consciously setting itself against the past , and rejecting forms of historical understanding .
5 ‘ I must leave at once ! ’ she whispered , and tried to move to the door .
6 The goat stopped abruptly and tried to chew at the hem of Mrs Hollidaye 's brown jacket .
7 He bent to the carabineer at his waist , and tried to chew at the knot , to make it more supple .
8 Instead Rosa waited in church before the eleven o'clock Mass , in the side chapel of the Madonna of the Spasm , and tried to pray through the minutes that seemed to haul themselves onwards through time as if anvils were strapped to their feet .
9 They got drunk and tried to carry off the women , and were fought off by the bridegroom with his Lapiths and his bosom-friend , the Athenian Theseus .
10 She twisted herself and tried to see through the buckled plate again .
11 When she hastily drew away and tried to wriggle off the bed he caught her wrist and pulled her back .
12 The sow was very angry when we took her little boys away and tried to clamber over the wall of the sty .
13 He did n't look back at the sudden commotion behind him and , when a shadow passed over him , merely gibbered weakly and tried to burrow into the horse 's mane .
14 The sturdily independent high tech sector had naught for the comfort of either major party in the run-up to today 's by-election in Newbury , Berkshire when the big guns from party headquarters showed up for photocalls during the build-up : Labour chose Vodafone Group Plc and tried to commiserate about the recession , only to be told that business had been going gangbusters for several months , the Tories went looking for green shoots at Micro Focus Plc , only to be told that the UK market was flat on its back , and that it was only foreign sales that were keeping the old Coboller busy .
15 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
16 He squirmed uncomfortably on the damp stone , and tried to look on the bright side .
17 In panic she stumbled backwards , twisted round and tried to run into the living room .
18 ‘ Those people who make the decisions should have gone out early in the morning and tried to putt to the holes we had to play to , ’ he added .
19 Molly raised her voice slightly as though speaking to a foreigner and tried to get to the heart of the matter .
20 no where we went was the erm well where we went first was the Dunkirk , did n't like what we hear in there , so we went from the Dunkirk and tried to get in the erm Smithfield hotel , we were unable to do that
21 Grimma propped it up and tried to concentrate above the noise .
22 She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day .
23 Then she sat at her bureau and put her hands to her flaming cheeks and tried to think about the hens , the sea , the possibility of buying a pig , something , anything , rather than the likelihood of not being painted by Michael Swinton .
24 Usually when he was giving one of his little dinners he came into the kitchen while they were preparing it , joked with them , had his hands smacked smartly by Matey when he lifted saucepan lids and tried to peer into the oven ; but today he stayed away .
25 Stepping up to bat in the eighth inning of game five on Sunday with the scores tied 1-1 , the Giants first baseman had trouble controlling the adrenalin , ‘ but I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the point of release of the ball ’ .
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