Example sentences of "[conj] stood [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had never used an iron nor threaded a needle , been on a bus nor cooked a meal for other people , earned money , got up early because she had to , waited to see the doctor or stood in a queue .
2 Here , there was no ambiguity ; no difficulty over marriage or courtship ; no women at all but the camp-followers , or the whores who were for sale , with other merchandise , from the second , vagabond camp that stood as a fringe to the first .
3 Harry put in 410 League appearances for Crystal Palace and that stood as a record for over 30 years until it was overtaken by Terry Long in the late 1960s .
4 She took an instinctive step back and brushed against a small marble horse that stood on a pedestal .
5 Agnes now went into the back room and , after washing her hands in a bowl of water that stood on a bench , she dried them , then smoothed her hair back and adjusted the bow at the neck of her dress .
6 He turned to reach the two glasses of wine that stood on a bedside table ; he 'd brought them with him from the dinner table .
7 Retreating until she bumped into a Spanish walnut table that stood before a window , she put her arms back to lean on the table , then decided that her position might look inviting , folded her arms , and scowled at Sam .
8 He followed Martin to the drinks cabinet that stood in a corner of the hall .
9 He served in the RAF for five years and stood as a candidate in the 1984 Euro elections and in the 1987 general election .
10 This confident 31-year-old financial advisor was a leading Young Conservative and stood as a candidate for Tynebridge in the 1987 election .
11 There was an owl whose names was Blanche perch bravely on a narrow branch when she asked if she could fly , the others said into the sky high , high , high , so one fine day they came out and stood on a branch all big and stout , she jumped , she thought that she could fly
12 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
13 I slammed the receiver down and stood for a second , congratulating myself on how well I had done , all things considered .
14 I kept on down to the river and stood for a while to watch the coal-barges slide along the black , shiny water .
15 It has always been I who have calmed her , though sometimes the Sweeper has come in the evening and stood for a while at her cage and she has calmed in his good presence .
16 Then he turned and stood for a while gazing out at the Pacific .
17 Wycliffe passed through the general office with a word to the two girls and stood for a while in the yard while the timber-lorry drove away and the big double doors were closed behind it .
18 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
19 He got out but before going to knock at the door , crossed the road and stood for a moment contemplating Ivy Cottage .
20 She moved to the stairs and stood for a moment in the silence of the hallway , the candle flickering in her hand .
21 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
22 Raynor came to a stop outside a thick , low door set into the wall , and stood for a moment looking at it , as if summoning up some inner resolve .
23 Fenella slithered down from the horse 's back and stood for a moment in the road , feeling the fingers of mist swirl into her face and touch her skin with damp clammy hands .
24 It was at that point that the stranger entered the dining-room , and stood for a moment looking round him as if in search of an acquaintance .
25 She shut the window and stood for a moment , her hands still on the bottom bar of the sash , arrested by a sudden thought .
26 And , as he finished pouring their brandies , she walked ahead of him through the open doorway and stood for a moment before the huge window , listening to the music , gazing out to sea , aware of a sense of peace and deep contentment .
27 The farmer got out of his car to open the gate and stood for a moment at the bend in the road .
28 She replaced the phone in Bishop Julian 's hall and stood for a moment indecisively .
29 She put down the receiver and stood for a moment with her hand resting on it , her head bowed and her thoughts in turmoil .
30 He straightened up , came to the front of the shop and stood for a moment looking out impassively .
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