Example sentences of "[conj] put [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 400e ) , they identified themselves with the state , or put themselves on a level with it : they did not openly claim to rule it .
2 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
3 Drain well in a colander and divide them among individual bowls or put them in a large soup tureen .
4 Half bury the log or timber in soil in a part of the garden where it will stay damp , or put it on a shaded window-sill in a plastic container ( ice-cream carton ) .
5 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
6 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
7 Put in a bowl or put it in a plastic
8 To make a claim is to articulate a public statement that one has ‘ reasons or grounds that put one in a position to engage in performative and propositional claiming ’ .
9 It was n't a story that put anyone in a good light .
10 Catching hold of her and she could n't get back do you seem because he had slipped this hand down this stick , got hold of her and he you see , and then I let go of the dog and take the the front feet and we used to drag her out like that you see , from the burrow and put her in a bag .
11 she said yeah she said sorted that out and put her in a trolley
12 And we 'd shut them out shunt them out and then we 'd collect the two coaches and take them over to the main yard , and put them under a cleaning platform you see for the cleaners .
13 He added : ‘ Had we got an early goal and put them under a bit of pressure they may have reacted differently .
14 Indeed , it might have been better to divert funds away from RAM and put them towards a superior video card .
15 The airlines , facing their fourth successive year in the red , are urging the EC to drop plans to lower maximum noise levels and nitrogen oxide emissions , arguing that they could increase operating costs , reduce the resale value of operators ' fleets and put them at a competitive disadvantage to international rivals .
16 A chance for you to air your views and put them to a Government spokesperson .
17 We bring them home , kill them , and put them on a whitethorn bush .
18 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
19 When he had gone out , she gathered up their scattered clothes then folded them tidily and put them on a chair .
20 I got half a dozen drunks and three women dressed as Mother Christmas and put them on a truck and we drove round the West End on the busiest shopping day of the year playing loud jazz and bunging up the traffic .
21 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
22 She took out her warmed mince pies and put them on a tray .
23 Just take a couple and put them on a plate !
24 ‘ One or two of these mushrooms are deliquescing already , ’ Rodney picked out a couple and put them in a plastic bag .
25 ‘ And when I was up in the tree , ’ she added , gazing up at him , ‘ I saw a thief climb into the Botanical Gardens and dig up a lot of bulbs and put them in a big case and go off with them ! ’
26 Take two handfuls of herbs of your choice and put them in a class bowl .
27 That has been done to death by ex-managers and ex-record companies who use a list of about two dozen tracks which they write down on a sheet of paper , cut them up and put them in a hat , and whatever order they come out in that 's another album .
28 [ Houghton ] himself would pick a dozen objects and put them in a ‘ masterpiece ’ gallery so the average Joe could taste the cream and leave ’ , yet Hoving espouses precisely such ideas throughout the book .
29 His view was that Hollywood could never make such a picture ‘ simply because in all America you could hardly collect a hundred actors and put them in a picture and keep them from acting ’ .
30 I gathered together the various sawn-up and wrenched-apart pieces of putter and put them in a drawer .
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