Example sentences of "[conj] simply a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Word had got about as to why she had disappeared on compassionate leave and she began receiving many invitations for such recreational activities as were available : film shows , dances or simply a get-together in the local inn .
2 There is sometimes more than one reason for an error , though : always find out if an error is a real mistake that needs your attention , or simply a slip of the pen that the writer would correct on re-reading .
3 It would be foolish , however , to argue that the problems created by the increasing urban demand for recreation in the countryside are entirely illusory or simply a matter of arbitrary taste : they clearly are not .
4 That could be remedied , he could acquire a transcript of the proceedings or simply a copy of the pathologist 's findings , but he did not dare , he was not prepared to show his hand to that extent .
5 Should it be a Convention or simply a set of rules incorporated into contracts ?
6 MacCormick suggests that it matters little , when faced with ‘ possible unjust exercises of the power of modern states organised under and in the name of ‘ law ’ … whether or not these represent a corruption of law in its ideal essence or simply an abuse of public power . ’
7 But pointing out limitations in a writer can sometimes seem arrogant , or at least condescending , as in this extract : At times Eliot is too confusing , too abstract and too well read , but his poems initially only demand a first response or simply an appreciation of the words , their structure , sound and order .
8 In doing this , they make it easier to understand why some form of local government continues to survive as more than simply a creature of the centre .
9 In almost every other respect , certainly , the Celtic Church appears to have been something more than simply a repository for Nazarean thought — as Nestorian Christianity was , for example .
10 The very fact that philip Augustus made no serious attempt to invade or attack Gascon ) , in the campaigns of 1202–4 may be more than simply a comment upon the military limitations of the French crown .
11 As a sociolinguist Stubbs sees reading , for instance , as more than simply a mechanism for decoding written into spoken words : he prefers to concern himself with understanding meaning , pointing out that ‘ we do not normally read meaningless material ’ ( ibid. p. 15 ) .
12 Resource-based learning therefore turns out to involve much more than simply a method of revitalizing and individualizing learning .
13 It 's not clear that new institutions are needed rather than simply an intensification of activities in the republics . ’
14 Within this framework , language may be conceived of as a process which arises from the social interaction of individuals ; it is neither a skill possessed by individuals nor simply a reflection of environmental influences .
15 The concentration of several thousand younger fans systematically chanting abuse and taunting one another , forcibly separated by the police and each threatening to attack the other is neither an imaginary problem nor simply a product of imitative behaviour picked up from incautious media coverage .
16 It says that the wavefunction is not a description of a physical system but simply a description of my knowledge of it .
17 Voice of Lebanon radio reported on June 24 that Gen. Aoun had told Scheer that he was not demanding amendments to the accord , but simply a reconsideration of some of its provisions .
18 Alternatively there may be no marks as such but simply a set of grades to which the quality of pupils ' work may be assigned directly .
19 Such uniformities and regularities are not part of an independent material world , but simply a matter of what ideas God excites in our minds .
20 Interpretation is not really a problem for Richards , but simply a matter of approaching the text with the right kind of attention .
21 It 's very much the last attempt — not er , not for , from the point of view of negotiating or er , but , but simply a matter of fact , er we need erm we need to move , we need to have additional sources of , sources of income , that er the type of facility that we 're looking to build will give the club to put it on a firm financial footing , and at the same time to give the local people of the City and er the , the surrounding County er tremendous new facilities .
22 On August 19th , Palme Dutt — revealing a capacity to assess political realities independently of the Moscow line which , in all his long years as Britain 's foremost guardian of Communist orthodoxy , he was seldom to repeat — insisted the issue was ‘ not essentially a revolutionary class issue , but simply an expression of war-weariness and horror at the prospect of being dragged into another war . ’
23 It is interesting to note that their evolution was a long and gradual one and not such a revolutionary concept but simply an extension of where we are now i.e. in centesimal potency ( 5th edition ) philosophy .
24 As Jack Sattel has observed , the fabled ‘ inexpressiveness ’ of men can not usefully be described as simply a correlate of their masculine gender role .
25 Eliot saw the savage here as simply a base from which to start in the critique of the modern .
26 Certain critics like Hourcade and Allard , who did not realize the importance of what Picasso and Braque were doing , continued to take a broad view of Cubism as simply a return to a more sober , classical form of art , and thus to include within the movement a large number of artists who were not strictly speaking Cubist but had been slightly influenced by the style .
27 Furthermore , once language is recognised as simply a type of behaviour , it seems to make sense to treat it like any other subject which adults deliberately teach to children .
28 Antiracists , on the other hand , will have to move beyond their reductive conceptions of culture and their fear of cultural difference as simply a source of division and weakness in the struggle against racism .
29 In so far as these subordinated forms of racism are granted some relative autonomy , and are not treated as simply an echo of the dominant ideology , the argument usually reverts to the classical tenets of a ‘ necessary false consciousness ’ .
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