Example sentences of "[conj] began [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , working in the artificial intelligence centres that began to open in the 1950s and 1960s , computer scientists began to make progress of a sort .
2 Joachim 's idea of a completely unworldly religious order nearly found expression in the confraternity that began to form around the followers of St Francis of Assisi shortly after Joachim 's death , but the main body of Franciscans soon made concessions to the demands of everyday life .
3 The picture that began to emerge in the early 1980s was not encouraging .
4 The two main rivals that began to emerge in the early 1980s were Thomson , the traditional market leader , and Intasun , a fast growing holiday and leisure group of companies .
5 Enterprise zones originated in a number of ideas that began to amalgamate towards the end of the 1970s .
6 Jack heard it before he saw anything — a low rumbling sound that began to vibrate through the car .
7 Balcon could reasonably feel defensive about the sort of criticism of British cinema that began to appear from the Film Society milieu , particularly in the pages of Close Up , a journal founded in 1927 .
8 The Masterpiece , a collection of folklore about the body and its functions , was probably the single most popular source of information on sex relations and childbirth , and the continuing publication of this work was possibly the last remnant of a much stronger popular demand and usage that began to grow in the nineteenth century with increasing literate audiences demanding knowledge .
9 Pulling them from under some old blankets , she sat down on the bed and began to leaf through the pages : photographs fell out , battered , uncherished , not stuck-in — this was no lovingly tended relic .
10 My presence disturbed them and they flew screaming about me for many minutes until they tired and began to settle on the dark water .
11 As his boss turned away and began to stride down the corridor , Dexter noticed a wary look slither into Pargeter 's eyes .
12 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
13 He clenched his teeth , pulled back his shoulders and began to stride up the road .
14 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
15 ‘ Well , that cuts them out of my book , unless , of course , they 're entertaining , witty , rich , and — ’ Here he turned and began to march from the room , saying , ‘ have the sense to appreciate my worth . ’
16 He and a friend separated from the others and began to move towards the car .
17 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
18 Other guests now rose to leave and the two English envoys got up and began to move amongst the different groups .
19 Lucenzo moved away and began to complain to the catering manager , breaking into the man 's spirited singing of an Italian opera .
20 Anna turned , saw me waving , and began to amble through the line of cars with her nose n the air , looking entirely unconcerned about her own and everyone else 's safety .
21 He took a small pin from the sleeve of his doublet and began to scrape between the yellow stumps until he extracted small , grey fragments still wet with mucus .
22 He rose and began to dance round the room .
23 The porter fell to his knees and began to scrabble at the soft soil next to the wooden scaffold pole .
24 She started the engine without waiting for an answer and began to drive along the track winding down the mountain .
25 Where or with whom James received his training is not known , but by 1783 he was established in London ; and in that year he announced himself by publishing a pamphlet on A Method of Constructing Vapour Baths , and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy .
26 He pulled on his shoes , rose and began to jog along the road in the direction the car had taken .
27 ‘ Come on , then , ’ he said quietly , and began to jog down the bloody street .
28 Another player came out of the wood and began to jog across the Paddock .
29 I felt revolted by them and began to sleep in the hall , dragging a pillow and a wool blanket off the bed and leaving the room to them , in the hope that they would understand my anger , that they would no longer stay till the early hours of the morning , stepping over me as I lay asleep , leaving overflowing ashtrays and empty glasses and cans and bottles strewn about the floor .
30 Her frantic anxiety gave Marie extra strength : it was only her brute force that dragged the drum back when it skidded off the path and began to slither over the grass down towards the channel .
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