Example sentences of "[conj] began [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But they saw nothing except a field-mouse , which came out of its hole and began furricking in a patch of seeded grasses .
2 They finished a rendering of a Burns song and then the flautist put down his flute and began to sing in a fine baritone voice .
3 In 1866 he launched an ambitious plan to rebuild the college chapel and began fund-raising with a donation of £100 from the pope himself .
4 A British engineer in the Kensington exchange came jolting out of his chair and began to search for a ‘ lock ’ on the transmitting number .
5 Here they also found the values of the market place , which stressed personal independence and self-gratification , and began to search for a sexual fulfilment which , Shorter .
6 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
7 The CEGB drew no line between science and politics , and began to act as a lobby , using science as a political weapon .
8 I picked up a book , but put it down again and began looking at a tiny red spider on the leaf of a geranium , ad lost count of time .
9 The police more often came under physical attack and began to respond with a steadily escalating counter-violence .
10 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
11 The Butcher grunted and began to rummage in a metal box .
12 He walked over to a polished mahogany cabinet which appeared to house the stereo unit , and began to flick through a collection of LPs .
13 A beady glint appeared in Manolo 's clear blue eyes as he got his first scent of blood money and began to turn into a shark .
14 She had been well taught , and after making the odd minor mistake during the opening moves she soon recovered herself , and began to play with a concentration and a ferocity which was also a surprise .
15 One little girl dropped her ice-cream in the excitement of it all and began to howl like a banshee .
16 She pushed the microphone aside , and began to speak in a firm voice , used to public speaking , hands leaning forward on the table , one occasionally raised to emphasise a point .
17 Then she put her cup down and began to speak in a soft , sad , dreaming voice that seemed to weave a spell of silence in the room .
18 But , in the summer of 1945 , he took a furnished room in Kensington and began to look for a suitable and convenient residence of his own .
19 Oag , formerly marketing director with a major computer industry concern in London , had grown tired of weekend commuting from Nairn , and began to look for a local company he could invest time and money in .
20 Some British armoured cars came and began shooting from a distance , and in the chaos I shouted out to four or five brother officers and we drove off in a truck .
21 Then I plucked up the courage to start moving around on my own and began walking down a path when the gentleman in grey asked people to stand aside , and I stepped well back .
22 The carpenter nodded and began to cry like a child .
23 However his teachers recognised his exceptional qualities and he was given junior teaching posts which enabled him to register at the University of Pennsylvania , where he obtained his Master 's degree and began to work towards a PhD , specialising in philosophy .
24 We all felt happy about this and began to walk towards a distant wood , but as we approached it we saw two figures emerging : the priest we had come to see arm in arm with an attractive girl .
25 But then I stopped reading as a reader and began to read as a writer .
26 Pietro Miletti picked up the paper again and began to read in a calm , confident voice , a voice that was accustomed to being obeyed , that never needed to make a fuss .
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