Example sentences of "[conj] looking [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All I wish to do here is to suggest that there are other ways of understanding or looking at extremes of penitential life which can suggest in them sources , not of neurotic repression but of freedom and self-ownership .
2 Olwen drove , and evolved a schedule of visiting her numerous girlfriends or looking for bargains in the shops whilst the others pitched the local council or union .
3 I took messages to the Lord Buckingham , pretending I was delivering suits or looking for trade at his London house . ’
4 Rather than looking for deviations from pattern , perhaps one should be looking at the patterns produced by the modes of rationality which agents typically find it conventional to construct .
5 In practice though , research within this framework has concerned itself with " patterns of linguistic behaviour " as made manifest , for example , through narrative or in interviews , rather than looking in detail at conversational encounters .
6 But in reality the amount and type of support which kin give each other varies with the particular historical circumstances within which family relationships are played out , so that looking at patterns of support at different points in time means that one is not comparing like with like in quite significant ways : there is variation both in people 's need for support and in the capacity of relatives to provide it .
7 Everyone is agreed that looking after patients in the community is a more expensive option than keeping them inside a hospital , where all the facilities are available under one roof .
8 He glanced back as if looking for signs of pursuit .
9 In this time of new opportunity , as the Board is making arrangements to move to its new home and looking to developments in every area of service , we 've also recognized that opportunities abound for local parish initiatives to attract funding from a variety of places .
10 It has been tough going , finding out things about myself which were buried deep but with ministry from the leaders and looking to God for answers I believe he has healed not only my drug problem but has cleansed me from sin so that I feel clean .
11 And then we get into settling into school er , for the first part and looking at things about coming to a new school
12 She stepped back , massaging her wrist and looking at Hrun in much the same way that a cat watches a mousehole .
13 In addition , a number of distinguished judges have admitted to breaching the exclusionary rule and looking at Hansard in order to seek the intention of Parliament .
14 There was , however , nothing phony about his powers of connoisseurship , and looking at pictures with him was fascinating .
15 She quickly dropped one into each saucer before standing back and looking at Beth with a forlorn expression .
16 But with oil prices at their current levels , the company is delaying growth plans and looking at ways of achieving a better balance between cash flow and capital commitments .
17 Brian Elsworth , of Belmont Press , will compare conventional reproduction techniques with the new technology available , taking delegates through the reprographic stages of house journals and looking at ways of saving money .
18 It is understood the NIO is studying the feedback from the intermediaries and looking at ways of improving investment , jobs and housing in Protestant areas .
19 It strikes me that Glamorgan have left themselves with another internal problem they could have done without now they are rebuilding and looking for stability after those years of committee trauma and musical chairs among the skippers .
20 From Table 4.1 it can be seen that almost one-third of IT postgraduates would be unemployed and looking for work at the end of their course .
21 Peirce had set himself the task of methodically classifying , and looking for applications of , the n-dimensional systems for all
22 It tells of a butcher returning home empty-handed from a market , and looking for lodgings in a village that lies on his route homewards as it is too late at night for him to reach home .
23 ‘ That 's why I 'm always encouraging and looking for opportunities for the team .
24 Unfortunately , she was never able really to influence developments in the way that Britain should , by being right in the middle of events , and being seen as a joint , willing partner in Europe — not a country that is always ducking and diving and looking for ways of putting party and even narrow national interests before those of the wider European concept .
25 The general rules on Hering 's law of cure and looking for improvement in well-being still applies but it is necessary to take into account pathological tissues change .
26 Alphabetical listings of LCSH do not offer an overview of related subjects and looking through records in class number sequence does not give the user the structure of the classification scheme .
27 ( Notice that " Modern Language " in titles usually means literature as well as language , and looking in bibliographies for ideas about what to read is called a LITERATURE SEARCH — " literature " in this sense means " the collection of what has been written " . )
28 Most of this work has concentrated on the historical period , using readily available sources of information , and looking in detail at particular localities .
29 The questions of theory and of hypothesis seemed wrong now , and looking from face to face , he wondered how much good the answers would do him .
30 She wanted to be noticed in all her finery and as she walked up the aisle she kept stopping to give a little cough on the back of her hand and looking from side to side .
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