Example sentences of "[conj] set [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stands that set out to rival museums are pretty much a thing of the past , with only Jan Krugier of Geneva holding out here .
2 Books that set out to give advice to management never fail to point out that a " no " decision is not at all the same thing as failure to make a decision .
3 The creation of Training and Enterprise Councils , led by local employers and set up to plan training and vocational education strategically , are having a difficult birth at present .
4 These new communities brought with them their tradition of culture and art and set up trading relations with Byzantium .
5 Not surprisingly she got narky with this bumptious little turd giving her lectures in infant-theology and set about proving things with a prism .
6 At each barge they ran down boarding planks for us , sat us on a long bench by the wheel and set about producing tea .
7 He was keen for more business to be taken at full Cabinet level and set about dismantling parts of the Attlee machine .
8 Reconstituted his old Leopard Group and set about pacifying Maniema Province .
9 The third type of headhunter , more appropriate to the increasing professionalism of the business , is epitomised by David Kay and Dr Anna Mann , who entered executive search with strong commercial , professional and academic qualifications , and set about forming businesses which would continue to grow and capture an important stake in the British — if not the greater world — market .
10 They formed a woodcarving group and set about carving bench ends .
11 Anselm 's procedure in this case reflects the principle on which his theology was built : he accepted the statements of faith of the whole Christian community , and set about finding explanations which satisfied the demands of reason .
12 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
13 Quality system procedure two , talks about how the management team pick up suggestions made by yourselves through Q S P Three , and set about making decisions for improvement of the group 's quality system , the service that we provide to our clients .
14 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
15 Then she settled Victoria in the big chair and set about making tea .
16 Various dangers , such as snakes and scorpions , threatened him , but with the magic of the gods to cure him from a poisoned bite and with marsh dwellers helping to watch over him , Horus grew to manhood and set out to do battle for his rightful inheritance with his uncle , Seth .
17 He left the house and set out to find London University , and see if he could track down Rebecca Salmon .
18 But when the great general of the Civil War , Oliver Cromwell , lost his temper with the Rump Parliament for trying to monopolize power , and made himself supreme instead , he regretted this war between Protestant countries and set out to make peace between them as soon as possible .
19 He picked up a beefburger at one of the stalls in the Tented Village and set off to overtake Bryan Thomson 's match .
20 And so Louis took a standard from Denis as symbol that he was the saint 's vassal ( see p. 105 ) , summoned the feudatories of France , and set off to defend Rheims .
21 Then he straightened up , reminded himself of the import of his task , and set off to find Sheldukher .
22 The small family lunched together and then at 2pm Thomas hitched the pony to his small cart and set off to make deliveries to farms and cottages in the more remote areas of nearby Winkfield Plain .
23 Sandison got up , put a few coins on the café table and set off to meet Maidstone .
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