Example sentences of "[conj] they put [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The couple were chauffeured from their homes to the town hall where they put on the replica mayoral chains made specially for the occasion .
2 Having in mind my own South Thames TEC in south London , does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the acceptance , success and street credibility of the TECs have been greatly enhanced by the emphasis that they put on the enterprise element of their make-up ?
3 His tale was verified by another member of the party Hawick 's B international hooker Jim Hay , who recounted that his fellow Teri , Jim Renwick , had been so intent on chasing and tackling the electrifyingly quick Eric Rush that he had failed to notice a helicopter land on the pitch and it was only when they felt the down-draft from the rotor blades that they put on the anchors .
4 They are aware of the need to improve their length so much that they put in the extra line so they are looking at a 1 or 1.5m ( 4 or 5ft ) area .
5 They had this very unhealthy large majority and they put before the House a Bill which offered total deregulation of shopping hours and to all intents and purposes stripped out nearly all the employment protection which has been a hallmark of Sunday trading legislation , certainly for the past century .
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