Example sentences of "[conj] he felt the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In his speech at the opening Tom Motherwell , director of Wood Group Gas Turbines , said that he felt the expansion was an important move for the Company .
2 He fancied too that he felt the cold less than they did .
3 Pink thought that he felt the admiration of his audience , and they wanted more .
4 Naturally I was disappointed that the most notable name of which we could boast had to be excluded : and although I knew that he disliked re-reading his prose works , I was as sorry that he felt the essay to be below standard as I was to regret his later repudiation of After Strange Gods .
5 He wanted to do more than just look ; it was at such times that he felt the urge to paint .
6 The principle of satyāgraha existed before the term was coined , and it was because Gandhi was dissatisfied with the phrase ‘ passive resistance ’ that he felt the need for a more suitable and more accurate term to designate and describe the principle he was propounding .
7 Then , just over two years later , John announced at the AGM ( which we use as an opportunity to set spiritual and practical goals for the year to come ) that he felt the time had come for church number three .
8 Sister Cooney opened the French windows and he felt the air sweet on his face .
9 But the weather was mild and encouraging , and he felt the pull of the North , and the need for high ground .
10 A shell scored a direct hit on a petrol tank , and he felt the wave of heat from fifty yards off .
11 The air stung his face and he felt the ground 's iciness creep into his feet through the soles of Miles ' relegated gum-boots .
12 She murmured something to him , some affirmation of love , and he felt the vibration of her voice strike through him .
13 A door banged and he felt the vibration of footsteps and smelt cigarette smoke .
14 Gabriel could see his own shadow , the shadow of his peacock wings , spreading out over them , and he felt the heat of the sun beat on his back .
15 And then he was passing beneath the huge , towering Gates , and he saw how they stretched above him into infinity , and he felt the timelessness of the great Prison descend on him like a huge , unseen weight .
16 He was deadly pale , and he felt the room spinning round him .
17 They went through him and out the other side , and he felt the frost wither his insides , like an early runner bean .
18 Tavett crouched over his desk until he felt the swish of air as the woman passed by , purple and pink cotton skirts flapping .
19 Without taking his eyes off the stacks of machinery which shielded the glimmer from direct sight , Craig walked quickly backwards until he felt the entrance hatch to the Power Bay thump into his shoulder .
20 After that , he ignored the hand and massaged Bobby 's arm until he felt the sensation of burning coals .
21 His companion , swathed in a dark tawny robe as if he felt the cold , was a different kettle of fish : jet black hair framed a white face .
22 Rutherford was muttering something about a by-pass always changing a country community , as if he felt the need to apologise for the place .
23 Fearon , his swarthy face as white as a ghost beneath the tan , removed his hard hat slowly , the last to do so , and with an angry look at Green as if he felt the financier had somehow insulted rather than honoured the lifeless form sprawled on the flagstones .
24 Asked if he felt the cult leader , David Koresh , was manipulating agents , Mr Ricks replied : ‘ As far as being jerked around , we are not going to be jerked around . ’
25 He had other tasks he could profitably have got on with , but he felt the need to stay .
26 Nothing could wash away the beastliness of that house or the horror of the sight of Phyllis Henley 's body , but he felt the need to try .
27 He could n't see the torch being flashed underneath and through the windows , but he felt the car sway as one of the coppers tugged at the driver s handle and the boot .
28 A SCHOOLBOY computer hacker broke into British Telecom 's networks because he felt the phone giant was ‘ damn stupid ’ and ‘ greedy ’ , a court heard today .
29 Captain Robin Woodall said in Boston yesterday he overruled a local pilot because he felt the vessel was too close to shoals .
30 Wittek suggests that Bayezid I was aware of the criticisms of himself on religious grounds and that he sought investiture as Sultan of Rum , a title he already possessed in fact , from the Abbasid caliph in Cairo because he felt the need for a religious sanction for his regime .
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