Example sentences of "[conj] at least the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She walked along to the little café , where at least the umbrellas and the plane trees gave some shade .
2 No matter how bad the storm was she had to go on deck , where at least the air was clean .
3 Only when she was halfway there did she remember that this , after all , was n't Chipchester , where she had spent the last six months at college — nor even Athens , where at least the drivers and pedestrians expected to engage in constant warfare — and that perhaps she should have checked the traffic before crossing …
4 It 's rewarding to rummage around these little mines of information , particularly for free ( or at least the cost of a local call ) .
5 For example , when the State Department 's Far Eastern Office was trying , unsuccessfully , to put together a compromise paper that would be agreed with the European Office , one may applaud the objective of an Indo-China that was to be fully self-governed , autonomous , and democratic : but there was a world of difference between a ‘ national ’ and a ‘ federal ’ government which would become obvious as events unfolded and the qualification , which Moffat and his colleagues seemed to accept , to full self-government which was explicit in Indo-China 's recommended partnership in the French Union , and was , by implication reserved to France as a matter of imperial concern , precisely the point , or at least the formality , which produced the irreparable break between France and Ho 's infant Republic .
6 But the star of the show , or at least the back seat of Armstrong , was Simon the Stripping Sexton .
7 In ages past , the land must have been continuous , or at least the sea passage but a short one .
8 Do not be misled by assurances from dealers that all oriental rugs or at least the ones they are selling , will automatically increase in value ; this simply is not true .
9 ‘ The Shiah , for example , or at least the ones in Iran , believe that the Twelfth Imam — who disappeared in mysterious circumstances over a thousand years ago — is going to come back with a huge army and take over the world . ’
10 He could see the stocking factory , though , or at least the shell of it .
11 It is a formulation of the objectives of an assessment scheme , classifying what is to be assessed and possibly how the assessment is to be carried out — or at least the constraints within which choices of assessment method is permitted .
12 They have to dance to the Russian tune , or at least the government does .
13 Er reading this article or at least the heading from it and the bit in the paper , you got the impression that solicitors were as bad as banks .
14 While the former is not associated with work satisfaction patterns in this sample , the latter is — or at least the relationship is in the expected direction .
15 The same author goes on to say that there are cases where land reform , or at least the break-up of large latifundia or estates , had actually accelerated environmental decline , as in Bolivia in the 1950s or after the emancipation of serfs in Russia in 1816 .
16 Believe it or not , but we do not tread all over each other to get where we want to go — or at least the majority of us do n't ! ’
17 The pros are meticulous on these points , or at least the majority of them are , because others — like them making their living — are coming up behind .
18 They need the right skills and motivation or at least the chance that they can somehow acquire these .
19 Such failures would be difficult to trace without specialist equipment so most of us would be prepared for a bill , or at least the hassle of a return under guarantee .
20 For the larger builder with an accounts department , or at least the assistance of a bookkeeper , all financial transactions will be recorded on a regular basis and in a systematic manner .
21 So to New York , where the world of women 's tennis met for the Virginia Slims Championships to a background of political ferment , following my disclosure in The Daily Telegraph , that , like the men three years earlier , the women — or at least the WTA board — felt they were also ready to declare UDI .
22 Indeed , though the death of a single organism may not seem to be very significant scientifically , it has been well argued by George Dangerfield that this one event did , in effect , mark the end or at least the beginning of the end , of that remarkable period of human history dominated by " Liberal England " .
23 They try to make the weather absorbing , or at least the programmes , by turning the presenters into characters , with jokes and fancy dress .
24 According to Cohn , Indians preferred a compromise solution , or at least the fiction of a compromise .
25 [ since ] the aim of achieving a strong competitive position in international markets , or at least the concern not to be at a disadvantage in comparison with competitors in other countries was one of the chief arguments advanced by some of the first employers ' associations against proposals for social reforms through protective labour and social legislation .
26 And the answer to my question , to be useful , should not be ‘ because my calculations show that this is so , and it will save your client £X to do it ’ , but , ‘ because the way your market works is thus ; and your advertising — or at least the campaign you are running — affects it so ’ .
27 Although the US , or at least the State Department , ‘ frankly [ had ] no solution of problem to suggest ’ it was obvious that the US was at this stage hoping for a negotiated settlement , a settlement in which their further hope was that France would find it possible to be more than generous .
28 The selection of the lead cases was aimed to ensure that the great majority of the very important points of law which are at issue in all cases are authoritatively decided , and it is hoped that , as a result , clear guidance will be given to the large number of remaining cases which are stayed , leading to settlements ( or at least the elimination of some issues common to the lead cases ) and the avoidance of a multiplicity of litigation .
29 The broadsheet idea , or at least the name , was borrowed by The Times newspaper in the First World War , when it organised the printing and distribution of literary extracts , reminiscent of home , for the comfort of the troops .
30 Bertram explains the male 's tolerance of cubs at kills by the fact that there is a high probability that it is his child or at least the child of the other male , which is itself closely related to him .
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