Example sentences of "[conj] it do not come " in BNC.

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1 You 've got ta put the microphone in front of , by the speaker , although it does n't come out very well
2 The only real problem with QBasic is that it does n't come with any sort of printed documentation — this is where we can help .
3 My only criticism is that it does n't come out often enough .
4 This particular one is called a rail turn and two half hitches it needs to be tight so that it does n't come undone when we 're out there .
5 So that , I mean , they they are getting a a reasonable working environment or reasonable view of the working environment , so that it does n't come
6 He looks right David Lawrence I must say and that was a very , very quick delivery and getting back to your other point , that slips coming forward going back , it 's just every now and again that it does n't come out right from David Lawrence , it goes down comparatively slowly , but when he does get it right , it really flies through to slips .
7 erm now the strongest reason , I think , for believing that that is not the case is that it does n't come from the fossil record , it comes simply from looking at organisms today .
8 A less elevated but similar claim was made by Eudes II in a letter written to King Robert : ‘ If it is a question of the nature of the benefice you gave me , the fact is that it does not come from your domain , but from the estates which come to me with your consent by hereditary right from my ancestors . ’
9 Britain should therefore not hesitate to use whatever powers and diplomatic skills she possesses to ensure that it does not come about .
10 A pity , say analysts , that it did not come off : America 's biggest-ever bank merger could have led to a barrelful of such deals — and not before time .
11 On 7 August the Cabinet accepted Ede 's conclusions that an amendment providing for the abolition of capital punishment could not be ruled out of order on the grounds that it did not come within the scope of the Bill , and that it would be impossible to grade murders into those for which capital punishment would be retained and those for which it would be abolished .
12 Mr. Cooper , the chairman of the dock company and the ports authority , gave evidence before me and stated unequivocally that it did not come from him , nor to his knowledge from any of his subordinates .
13 She had never farmed before , and she told me that it did not come easy .
14 Heads who are asked where that combination took its origin in their individual histories make it clear that it did not come from training .
15 She heard the voice again , over and over , calling her name , and then gradually she realised that it did n't come from the dream and she opened her eyes , staring breathless into the darkness .
16 Probably the saddest aspect of the crowd invasion at last weekend 's FA Cup quarter-final between Manchester City and Tottenham Hotspur was the fact that it did n't come as much of a surprise .
17 Children had erm er craft erm stall and a cake stall to raise money for the Christmas party Father Christmas so it does n't come out of
18 You 're full of apprehension , and it does n't come .
19 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
20 This warm water now in the eastern Pacific usually occurs near Christmas time , although its arrival is unpredictable and it does not come every year .
21 If I did it and it did n't come out as good as I thought , or if I failed , then I 'll deal with that , but until I take that chance I 'll never know .
22 And it did n't come out properly .
23 Holden was missing for 18 minutes and Reid admitted : ‘ We took a calculated gamble by not replacing Rick — and it did not come off . ’
24 He had never written verse of this kind before , and it did not come easily to him : the drafts of these scenes underwent most revision .
25 This is the other way : you fix the expenditure first , and you hope afterwards ; and if it does n't come off ( which it is unlikely to , if you are gambling on an improbability ) , then the result is the monetisation of debt with the consequences which we know .
26 And even if it does n't come naturally , most politicians develop the ability to be absolutely horrible whenever it is required .
27 Hope to get something to you for your birthday , but do n't despair if it does n't come on the day .
28 If it does n't come to the full county council , then I will make sure it does , but I , one would hope that a decision such as that , which is of paramount importance in a , a rural area would be taken by a full county council and not by education .
29 If it does n't come up with a rescue deal by the summer , these men and women could be reaching the end of their working lives .
30 He says that businesses need Government help : if it does n't come the Chancellor should resign .
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