Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb past] ourselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was very bad at gym , and really hated ‘ apparatus ’ , where we hurled ourselves over boxes and horses , or hung upside down on parallel bars .
2 One of the most important aspects is that we saw ourselves as town traders — that magical area where buyer and seller come together .
3 Not much else is needed to prompt a visit than a map and some route descriptions , so thus it was that we found ourselves between the Vénéon and the Etançons on the campsite at La Bérade in August .
4 She , too , was a ‘ scholarship girl ’ and we prided ourselves on being the two most intelligent girls in the place .
5 A few minutes later our train came in and we established ourselves in a first class carriage .
6 As we slowly descended , the mist cleared a little , and we found ourselves amid sheep pastures … ’ wrote the late Louis Littman , a successful businessman , when he and his wife first saw Ashley Chase with a view to buying it .
7 Then our small boat began to go down and we found ourselves in the water .
8 Research would be impossible if we restricted ourselves to this species .
9 The world would be a more stable and therefore a better place if we extinguished ourselves in the same place where we first saw the light of day , and if we spent the intervening time in as small a circumference as a day 's walking permits .
10 ‘ At first , we thought it would be too beautiful to use , ’ admitted Peter , ‘ but we accustomed ourselves to its ways . ’
11 Immediately we could sense a rough and rather unpleasant atmosphere , but we allowed ourselves to be swept up the steps of the first house into a howling throng of excitable spectators .
12 We deserve to be punished because we considered ourselves over and above the deceased .
13 But not this year , but because we found ourselves in a very embarrassing situation with the forty point limit and the fact that we 've got Hans Nielson on ten point three two which you know , is good in one respect , but it erm makes very difficult situations down the bottom end .
14 He suggested that in the meantime we should visit the Arussi mountains ; this would enable us to assess our men and , if necessary , change some before we committed ourselves to the Danakil country .
15 ‘ I took her there for a last relaxing evening before we threw ourselves into the election campaign .
16 He was somewhat taken aback when we identified ourselves as Customs , muttering something about clearing customs at Poole Quay later .
17 I knew it at once when we lost ourselves in our mutual passion .
18 Sir John asked as we warmed ourselves before the great fire whilst Lady Beatrice and Rachel served spiced wine .
19 This is going to be great , I said to Taff as we settled ourselves in the trench and set up the Bren gun .
20 Mrs Browning was still pale and shaky as we settled ourselves by the fire ( and what the moon saw , or what it might have seen if its beams could have penetrated the closely-drawn curtains supplemented by plastic sheeting to foil the poison gas , might have seemed a little unusual ; but who can tell what strange sights are enclosed within the cheerful light of a curtained window ? ) .
21 As soon as we removed ourselves from eyries at Television Centre and Broadcasting House , people began saying to us that the key subject we had to look at was one of portrayal and representation on air .
22 It should be remembered that a serving sergeant pilot ( as we called ourselves in those days ) had little clue about the policy that emerged from Arthur Marshall ( Air Ministry ) when the plans for one White Paper were never implemented before another White Paper overtook it .
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