Example sentences of "to form a " in BNC.

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1 The evaluation is a summing up which places the work in the experience of the critic , and helps the reader to form a judgement .
2 His fertility , narrative gift , gift for experiments and impromptus , are such as to bewilder the attempt to form a judgement of any particular work .
3 America has had many unsuccessful attempts to form a national repertory theatre , performing the classics of the English language , and one wonders whether it will ever be possible to get this going effectively .
4 Thirty minutes in the fridge will ensure a pleasant cool temperature and encourage the yeast to form a hard ring at the bottom of the bottle that does not rise to the surface when pouring .
5 The owner of ‘ The Hollybush ’ at Elstree proposed to infill an original coach arch in the pub 's facade and to demolish the timber framed side walls of the passageway behind in order to form a larger and open interior , even though it was this feature that distinguished the building as an historic inn .
6 The working party has authority to form a draft EC directive .
7 Just as fascinating is the related S perfoliatum , another giant in which the upper pair of leaves unite at their base to form a cup-shaped depression where , after rain , a little pool of water collects .
8 Minor nuances of detail in our respective uniforms were built upon to form a taxonomy of meaning and used to maintain our in-group ( or tribal ) knowledge of ourselves .
9 Once inside , the new detective will quickly meld into the department 's style , pursuing its rituals to form a new link in the tradition of the CID .
10 You can buy small bags which , when squeezed , mix two otherwise separated chemicals to form a cooling solution .
11 Stretch this around the holder over the half hole , to form a gripper , and press drawing pins through the rubber into the material between the holes to maintain tension .
12 Nationalisation saw the basic pattern retained , although the Scottish elements of the London Midland & Scottish and the London & North Eastern Railways were hived off to form a Scottish Region , and the North East based on York also became a separate region .
13 Many routes could not be said to form a coherent network , other than as InterCity connections to whom they did not now belong , and a few ( surprisingly few ) were in the mould of the traditional country branch line .
14 In some older dances they each hold a corner of a handkerchief to form a link and in some areas they link little fingers .
15 Iron and steel can also be treated with a cold galvanising paint , which reacts with a thin layer of rust to form a rust-proof coating that can be painted .
16 They are instead bent into semicircles and joined together at their ends to form a solid circular toroid .
17 Swapo remains the overwhelming favourite to win the United Nations-supervised elections next month , but claims that the organisation has detained and tortured many of its members in Angola and Zambia may deprive it of the two-thirds majority needed to form a government in an independent Namibia without holding another election .
18 In a second deal , netting Standard another £50m , the two sides are pooling their merchant banking units in Europe to form a 50/50 joint venture .
19 SHORTLY before the show began , four carpets were winched down behind the drums to form a backdrop .
20 WPP IS to be paid $7m ( £4.3m ) in an out-of-court settlement of its long-running legal battle against former executives of its Lord Geller subsidiary who left to form a rival agency with backing from Young & Rubicam , the US advertising giant .
21 Last week the first practical steps towards such a union were taken when leaders of the RPR , UDF and UDC met and agreed to form a tactical group to work out the most effective means of opposing the government .
22 ‘ To do that , you take a lot of identical molecules called amines and join them together to form a chain .
23 ATHENS ( AP ) — Greeks faced the prospect of new general elections next month after party leaders failed to form a government .
24 President Christos Sartzetakis asked Mr Grivas to form a government after the main political parties would or could not do so .
25 The return to his old club of Andy Gowman , from Harborne , will greatly strengthen Cardiff 's challenge , where he will team up again with Tim Percival to form a powerful combination .
26 In a disastrous party conference at Wembley in January 1981 , new constitutional procedures were adopted to form a hybrid ‘ electoral college ’ to elect the party 's leader and deputy leader .
27 In disgust , Shirley Williams , David Owen , and William Rodgers of the Labour right left to form a new Social Democratic Party .
28 The story of Elton John meeting his songwriting partner Bernie Taupin through a small ad in Melody Maker is one of the music industry 's most famous legends , but the chances of two developing talents — a music writer and a lyricist — being brought together to form a successful partnership are n't good .
29 It is n't uncommon for a band to form a limited company .
30 An attempt by Francis Pym and some thirty dissatisfied MPs in 1985 to form a Centre Forward group to press for such changes was short-lived .
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