Example sentences of "[conj] satisfied that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Doing his best to stay awake , he chatted to Mills until satisfied that the other was convinced of his academic credentials and then , to get rid of him before Syrian George arrived to transcribe the night 's tapes and give the game away , sent him over to see Hurley , who wanted to know if Mills , in the course of his travels in and out of Lebanon for Newsweek , would like to shoot a few pictures for the DEA .
2 It should only do so if satisfied that the child has suffered , or is likely to suffer , significant harm leading to the need for a child protection plan .
3 Ltd [ 1944 ] 2 All ER 293 ( CA ) the Court of Appeal decided that it was not bound by a previous decision of that court , if satisfied that the decision in question was reached per incuriam .
4 Under s 36 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 , where a possession order of a dwelling house is made , then if satisfied that the defendant can pay the current instalments and the arrears in a reasonable time ( or remedy other defaults ) , the court has wide powers of suspending a possession order .
5 This dictum was followed by the opinion of the Lord Advocate ( Mr. Graham Murray ) and the Dean of Faculty ( Mr. Asher ) on November 2 , 1893 , that " the fitness of the applicant seems to us to be the only question upon which , on an application for a transfer , the magistrates may exercise their discretion " ; and by the opinion of the town clerk of Glasgow ( December 18 , 1894 ) , that , if satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person , " all usual and more general considerations must be reserved till the annual licensing period . "
6 If access is refused , or information about the child 's whereabouts withheld , they must apply for an emergency protection , child assessment , care or supervision order unless satisfied that the child 's welfare can be satisfactorily safeguarded without such action ( s47(6) ) .
7 If the court makes a residence order it must also make an interim supervision order unless satisfied that the child 's welfare will be satisfactorily safeguarded without a supervision order ( s38(3) ) .
8 The presumption of no order in s1(5) applies to interim orders and the court should not make one unless satisfied that the order would be better for the child than no order .
9 The court can proceed in the absence of any respondent but should not do so unless satisfied that the respondent has received reasonable notice of the hearing or that the circumstances justify proceeding in his absence ( FPCR , r16(3) and ( 4 ) ; FPR , r4.16(3) and ( 4 ) ) .
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