Example sentences of "[conj] sleep in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Walter Brennan never gargled with methylated spirits , or wore the same ragged T-shirts for months on end , or slept in a cardboard cocoon in a condemned house , or bothered young women on the subway .
2 She knelt down on the cushion , placed her ungloved hands together , closed her eyes and appeared to be either thinking or sleeping in an upright kneeling position .
3 During the week I 'd get home late and sleep in the spare room — ‘ so as not to disturb her ’ .
4 " It should be obvious that in the crowded habitations of the poor , who live , cook , eat , and sleep in the same apartment and pay little regard to the washing of hands , the evacuations of cholera victims which are almost colourless and without odour can be passed from one person to another .
5 Even if you live and sleep in the same room , try to stay active .
6 The second job of the day is to light the stove , a monument in itself , taking up a quarter of the thatched hut with its various extensions — a sill ( pod ) with an area for keeping dishes warm ( chestok ) , niches ( pechurki ) for small objects and matches , holes on the side for drying out leg and foot wrappings ( for lack of shoes ) , holes near the summit for reviving chilled hens in winter , and on the triumphal summit worn clothing on which to stretch out and sleep in the delicious warmth — ‘ U hholodnoi pechi ne sogreesh'sia ’ ( ‘ You ca n't heat yourself at a cold stove ’ ) .
7 try to arrange to live and sleep in the same room
8 Crilly wakes and tells me about when he was little and slept in the same room as his father , while his sisters slept with his mother .
9 He made detours and slept in the open , ‘ once in an abandoned wagon , which was white with frost the next morning . ’
10 Hel lived in the land of Elvidnir ( Den of Sleet and Black Clouds ) , eating the brains and bones of mortals with a bewitched knife , Sult ( Starvation ) , and sleeping in a vile bed named Kor ( Sickness ) .
11 In very cold weather it might be worth living and sleeping in the same room so that you only need to keep one room well heated .
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