Example sentences of "[conj] strike [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Reagan was showered by shards of glass , including at least one that struck him in the face , but was unhurt .
2 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
3 At the point where in her first aria the prima donna expected from him an angry gesture , he exaggerated his anger so much that he looked as if he was about to box her ears and strike her on the nose with his fist .
4 Worse , they had lost Gooch after a ball from Moseley had reared up and struck him on the left hand , breaking a bone , although until the match was over even his team thought it was only bruised .
5 He dreamed the actual execution , including his head being separated from his body , and then abruptly woke up to find that his bed headboard had fallen and struck him on the back of the neck in the same place as the guillotine in the dream .
6 But when Mr Wray punched him , Youngs picked up the hammer and struck him across the cheek .
7 Albuin , little knowing he was the king 's son , unsheathed his sword and struck him on the head …
8 Walsh crudely hacked down Kay but referee Peck had to send off the Sunderland player , who tried to grab Walsh and struck him in the face .
9 She began again to caress him ; rose to sit kittenishly in his lap , but she was as clumsy at this babying as she was grand at being leopardine , and he found it possible this time to check his lust ; she bent to blow on his neck and ear , as he liked her to do , but he twisted sharply to avert his head , and struck her on the upper arm to beat her off , and then without another word , his face blazing with the effort of his denial , he turned and left her .
10 She felt as astonished as if the older woman had got out of her chair suddenly , and struck her across the face .
11 So the king 's son climbed the mountain , pulled out his three golden hairs , and struck them with the latchstring .
12 ‘ This crap , ’ Laura took the book from Rex 's fingers and struck it with the back of her hand .
13 He was convicted of repeatedly punching the victim and striking him on the neck with a knife , then chasing him into a garden .
14 As 12-ounce cans of vegetables bounce off the side of my car , one of them smashing my rearview mirror and another sailing with surprising accuracy through my open car window and striking me on the shoulder , I decide to call it quits for the night and return in daylight .
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