Example sentences of "[conj] throw it in the " in BNC.

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1 Back at his hotel , packing for his return to London , John wondered how to fit this large acquisition into his luggage , could not think of a way , decided that he did not want a souvenir of the trip anyway because of his gloom about the impending ballet , so tore it up and threw it in the wastepaper basket .
2 Henry looked at himself in the kitchen mirror , as he crumpled up the other three pages of this latest missive and threw it in the swingbin .
3 But I was furious , and at the end of the afternoon , tore it off her head and threw it in the fire .
4 ‘ I choked the dirty thing , ’ said Nour , ‘ and threw it in the street for the dogs . ’
5 He screwed the note up and threw it in the general direction of the wastepaper basket .
6 After she 'd completed her delivery round of the dressing rooms , Lucy came back into the department , took off her coat and threw it in the corner , and then threw herself onto one of the available chairs with an equal lack of ceremony .
7 This is the last thing of his I 've got , ’ and she took off her gold wedding-ring and threw it in the fire .
8 He stubbed it out and threw it in the fire .
9 Nurse Motley said that except for a moment when she picked up a piece of paper and threw it in the bin , she had been standing by Kayley 's head the whole time .
10 So of course our Emma got it and tore it up and threw it in the fire .
11 Although I keep pulling it up and throwing it in the dustbin , it keeps coming back .
12 Livid with rage , he grabs their cameras and rips the film from them , tearing it to shreds and throwing it in the fire .
13 Instead of taking it out to the back and throwing it in the bin .
14 Away and throw it in the bucket , Morag . ’
15 And I am if at five minutes to five , or five minutes to leaving off time whatever it was and you would n't say well we 'll get ready to go home you had to pick a half a link up make it into a staple and throw it in the box .
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