Example sentences of "[conj] compare [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However it is a very difficult and time-consuming operation to read through the evaluations and to compare them to the original project document .
2 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
3 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
4 He took out the photograph which he always carried with him and compared it to the woman he had just seen .
5 Kohl described the military regime of former president Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte as a " dictatorship " and compared it to the former East German regime headed by Erich Honecker ( whose request for political asylum in Chile had recently been rejected ) .
6 They have determined the number of BL Lac objects per unit volume of space , and compared it with the space density of quasars and other types of active galaxies ( submitted to the Astrophysical Journal ) .
7 First they measured the background — the number of gamma rays in the natural environment such as those produced by the concrete in the laboratory and compared it with the number of gamma rays when the electrochemical cell was present .
8 The British Foreign Office analysed the constitution of North Korea and compared it with the constitutions of other communist states .
9 She 'd probably looked around the flat and compared it with the two shabby and incomplete rooms that she 'd just left , and the first foundations of the barrier would have been laid .
10 The economic affairs commissioner , Henning Christophersen , said the overall Clinton plan was encouraging and compared it with the EC 's own plan to spark the economy out of recession .
11 The author charts this progress and compares it with the British decision to choose the advanced gas cooled reactor ( AGR ) in 1965 .
12 Once this is decided , you can look at your original operational requirements and compare them to the products in the representative 's portfolio .
13 All we 've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope .
14 Then the reader is advised to read the accounting policies and compare them with the policies used in the previous year and with those competitors use .
15 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
16 We shall examine the results of his experiments and compare them with the results that we would expect if the records were perfectly randomized .
17 In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in 18 patients over the age of 50 whom we have treated in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients .
18 So let us start with present-day society and compare it with the situation twenty years or so ago , and then compare that generation with its predecessor .
19 Write down a list of everything that you regularly eat and drink , and compare it with the following recommended lists of foods and drinks to increase and decrease .
20 Consider the question ‘ How can I mean anything by ‘ There exist pains I do n't feel , pains in other minds ’ ? ’ , and compare it with the question about afternoon on the Sun .
21 The argument was that if the right hemisphere can store a representation of the auditory set and compare it with the visual probe letter then there should be an advantage in reaction time to letters presented in the LVF compared to the RVF .
22 The aim , therefore , is to choose the import restriction that would be consistent with the tariff-induced outcome , i.e. the strategic outcome , and compare it with the actual quota imposed by the UK government .
23 The sponsor of the project must evaluate offers and calculate the total cost of using a selected finance package and compare it with the cost of other sources of finance .
24 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that you must er appertain now the actual situation of these plaintiffs and compare it with the situation that would have prevailed if the breaching of contract alleged , had not occurred .
25 I du n no , go and compare it to the turd on the floor .
26 Yet again , looking at this urbane relaxed figure seated opposite me and comparing him with the romantic figures of Spender and others or with the scruffy Auden , I found it difficult to believe that he was a poet and not rather some worldly and successful company director .
27 Researchers from the influential Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment spent FOUR YEARS examining case histories of child deaths in the area and comparing them with the rest of the country .
28 Initially , we examined the main effect of phonological processing by combining the results from the two experimental tasks and comparing them with the control tasks .
29 This will be achieved by analysing the criteria used to select expert system applications and comparing them with the criteria used to evaluate the feasibility of traditional data processing projects .
30 They then spent the rest of the lesson — the first part had taken twenty minutes — in writing an account of why Rome was settled where it was and comparing it with the legends that they knew concerning Rome .
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