Example sentences of "[conj] ensure that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In its full-page and horrendously expensive advertisements in the national press , and now ( the latest manifestation ) in a booklet with a cover that at only a few metres distance looks like gold-tooled morocco , it comes perilously close to transgressing those rules of the Advertising Standards Authority that ensure that all ads are honest , fair , accurate , unimpeachable and altogether above reproach .
2 The subtleties of shape that ensure that both halves of the tongs fit together and work , may only be apparent to the smith .
3 Would not it be easy to accede to the commissioner 's request to change the three points in the regulation which the Commission says are defective and deal with Crown immune areas , reduce the latitude given to authorities and ensure that environmental assessments are recorded in writing so that we have proper regulations and proper environmental impact assessments ?
4 Will the Secretary of State ensure that his Department backs up his promises to the business community and ensure that such disincentives to the business community coming forward are not allowed to continue ?
5 All the more important , then , to stand protected from the like and ensure that all things — not excluding alcohol — conspire to bear visible witness to that ruddy hue sported by the English living in the Tropics . ’
6 A standard form of agreement is set out in Appendix I. The essential elements of a confidentiality agreement are an acknowledgment by the purchaser that : ( a ) the existence of the negotiations and all information received relating to the vendor 's business is confidential ; ( b ) the purchaser will maintain the confidentiality and ensure that all persons receiving the information maintain the confidentiality ; ( c ) the purchaser will only use information for assessing its acquisition of the business and for no other purpose ; ( d ) the purchaser will return all the information and either return or destroy all copies if the transaction does not complete .
7 But I also said that provided we put the effort in and ensure that all aspects of our business are in good order , we will see the benefits shine through .
8 Having clearly sorted out most of their substantial differences , these two must now return to the multi-party negotiations and ensure that all voices are heard and taken into account .
9 Safeguards should be available to protect individual investors and ensure that all parties to a takeover are treated equally .
10 Faced with a virtual infinity of demand , your role is to seek new resources and ensure that those resources are spent to best effect .
11 It will lead to a better choice of candidates and ensure that more women and candidates from minority ethnic communities are elected .
12 We will continue ‘ Right to Buy ’ discounts , and ensure that local authorities respond reasonably and rapidly to applications .
13 We shall remove tax distortions , require in-house services to be clearly costed and accounted for , and ensure that one-off costs are appraised over a realistic period .
14 The Elton Committee recommended that the head teacher should take the lead in defining the aims of the school in relation to standards of behaviour , create the conditions for establishing the widest possible measure of agreement on these standards and how they will be achieved , and ensure that these standards are consistently applied throughout the school .
15 Firstly , there could be a tendency to go for the ‘ lowest skill ’ option in the selection of new technology , in order to reduce training costs and to ensure that existing employees can cope .
16 Each should respect the other 's strengths : that the teacher can intervene in a positive way to prevent the acquisition of bad learning and reading habits and to ensure that broad aims and objectives are , as far as it is possible to ensure , reached ; and that the librarian , working in a permissive non-authority setting , can by indirection and suggestion , using the child 's natural behaviour and personally chosen interests , foster the development of activities and skills from which learning and motivation arise .
17 That is not to say that reasonable protection from development should not be given to particular areas , for it is important to retain the character of the land and to ensure that all tastes are catered for : For instance , some people like to climb dangerous rocks in pouring rain .
18 The stated aim of the Commission is to create a homogeneous market in takeovers , with adequate and equal safeguards for individual investors , and to ensure that all players in a takeover act fairly and proceed on an equal basis .
19 The lease will indeed quite often contain extensive insurance provisions with this in mind and to ensure that all costs in respect of insurance are paid for by the tenant and not the landlord .
20 Their role is to provide leadership and to ensure that other members of the staff receive the necessary support to carry out their roles in the Compact .
21 The Problem Administrator should access all outstanding computer based problem reports regularly , i.e. those reports that have not been closed , to ensure that action is being taken to resolve the problem and to ensure that appropriate notes have been added to the descriptions of the problem reports to reflect the current status of the problem and the action being taken .
22 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
23 As work progresses , make regular check for horizontal , and to ensure that both walls are exactly the same height
24 However , the case for a greater role for the Community in the industrial policy area does have some merit , particularly in the fields of R&D programmes and to ensure that national policies do not hinder the development of pan-European business operations .
25 Traders like tavern-keepers in the Strand and wine merchants in St James 's Street , learnt to expect and tolerate late payment , and to ensure that any steps to obtain settlement were taken with the greatest diplomacy .
26 We want to provide accessible and flexible qualifications which prepare people for work in the Europe of 1992 , and to ensure that these qualifications are recognised and valued throughout Europe and beyond .
27 In most situations it is unusual and unnecessary to dwell on features of the research design , except perhaps in a boring and unread appendix , but in our instance we feel it is important to spend a chapter outlining the nature of the research design and location , and the associated problems , in order for the findings to be placed in their context , and to ensure that these considerations be taken seriously .
28 This did not , however , stop the question of political marginality and the need to reform existing policies from being raised at all , as can be seen subsequently by the attempts after 1981 to introduce both locally and nationally measures which were meant to address some of the grievances of the rioters and to ensure that further disturbances did not occur .
29 Safety with electricity means never operating anything that has a worn or damaged flex ; never trying to run an appliance from a light socket ; never trying to run several appliances via an adaptor plugged into one socket ; and ensuring that all plugs are wired properly .
30 Governors are clearly charged under the 1988 Education Reform Act with the duty of implementing and monitoring LMS in their schools and ensuring that all monies are efficiently managed .
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