Example sentences of "[conj] place in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
2 It is plain that only a small community closely knit by ties of kinship , common sentiment , and belief , and placed in a stable environment , could live successfully by such a regime of unofficial rules .
3 For this , he was completely undressed — which makes his body itch to the point of agony — and placed in a UV cabinet , his arms held above his head to stop him scratching .
4 The amount provided in the original cash float is deducted and placed in a separate banker 's bag .
5 Had her taken into hospital and the foetus removed and placed in a MedFac nurture unit . ’
6 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
7 In 1984 , a faculty to examine the St John vault for these items proved that it had been extensively reordered in the early eighteenth century when the decayed earlier coffins were cleared and placed in a charnel cistern within the vault .
8 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
9 At other times it is relatively hidden , smoothed over by extensive cultivation , familiarity and the techniques of what Bourdieu calls ‘ legitimation ’ , only to be revealed when constituent elements are wrenched away and placed in a new setting .
10 In the first place she is anxious because she has been taken from her companions and familiar environment , and placed in a foreign country .
11 For a polymer of molar mass M 2 dissolved in a solvent ( 1 ) and placed in a centrifugal field of angular velocity ο , its potential energy at a distance r from the centre of rotation is and its chemical potential is µ .
12 The duchy had been elevated to the status of a principality and placed in the Black Prince 's hands in 1362 .
13 There is a slot for each room and the names of the occupants , dates of arrival and departure and terms are typed on a card or slip and placed in the appropriate room number slot .
14 PERT and CPM are valuable when planning a project as they help the planner to ensure that all jobs have been considered and placed in the right logical sequence .
15 PERT and CPM are valuable when planning a project as they help the planner to ensure that all jobs have been considered and placed in the right logical sequence .
16 One of his strange exploits among other frolics , was having a coffin made of copper ( which one of his mines had that year produced ) , and placed in the great hall , and instead of his making use of it as a monitor that might have made him ashamed and terrified at his past life , and induce him to make amends in future , it was filled with punch , and he and his comrades soon made themselves incapable of any sort of reflection ; this was often repeated , and hurried him on to that awful moment he had so much reason to dread .
17 Early in 1939 his branch was renamed MI R , and placed in the military intelligence directorate , though Holland concentrated rather on operations .
18 She walked round the house , planning what she would take : this ornament to be packed in a shoe-box stuffed with wood-shavings and placed in the top drawer of that chest , that cane-chair to be left behind for the benefit of the Colonel 's successor , those curtains to be carefully arranged when the time came , with not more than one fold .
19 In 1815 it was returned to Antwerp and placed in the huge Gothic Cathedral of Our Lady , where it has remained ever since .
20 A third voice , represented by normal type and placed in the conventional part of the page , is itself like another ritual , a fact emphasized by the incantatory effect of semantic and lexical patterning in the repeated , only slightly varied form ,
21 Of these the finest are a pair of silvered mirrors measuring 173x98.5 cm supplied to Edwin Lascelles and placed in the Yellow Damask Sitting Room at Harewood House .
22 On completion of this operation , the assembly was lifted by overhead crane and placed in the inverted position of carriers .
23 Half the sum due should be converted into dollars and placed in the overseas account of Barone Bernardo Dulcibene in the Banco dell'Annunziazione in Siena .
24 Many plant cells continue to grow and divide , even when divorced from the parent plant , if placed in a suitable culture medium .
25 Roll from shortest end and place in a greased 2 lb ( 1 kg ) loaf tin .
26 To make the truffles , break up the chocolate into squares and place in a medium-sized deep bowl with the cream .
27 Put a few drops of natural vanilla essence into a pan of water and place in a low oven .
28 Wipe dry and place in a warm oven for a few minutes to remove any remaining moisture .
29 Meanwhile , break up the remaining plain dark chocolate for coating and place in a small bowl with the cream .
30 Chop the potatoes into bite-sized pieces and place in a large bowl with the artichoke hearts , tomatoes and peas .
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