Example sentences of "[conj] carry [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All I know is that they all supported the poll tax and they all voted for the guillotines that carried through the poll tax legislation .
2 Daly promptly hit a shot that carried over the 65ft high netting 280 yards away , the wall that divides the West Berlin that is Augusta National from the East Berlin of Washington Drive , with its mile after mile of burger joints .
3 Importunity or threats , such as the testator has not the courage to resist , moral command asserted and yielded to for the sake of peace and quiet , or of escaping from distress of mind or social discomfort , these , if carried to a degree in which the free play of the testator 's judgment , discretion or wishes , is overborne , will constitute undue influence , though no force is either used or threatened .
4 Its dimensions are 18½″ ( 47cm ) wide x 19″ ( 48.3cm ) high x 13″ ( 33cm ) deep , and the weight of around 30kg feels reassuringly substantial , yet easily portable , especially if carried in the arms .
5 Frederica strode grimly up and carried off the Oxford Companions to English and Classical Literature .
6 This school 's Cadet Corps scored an unique achievement when they participated in the Royal Tournament at Olympia in 1927 , and carried off the Lady West Trophy against fierce competition from other , hearing , Cadet Corps troops .
7 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
8 When he was just a few weeks old , he was stolen from his mother and carried through the bush to the side of a main road .
9 Under the leadership of the party the working masses constructed the material base for socialism , replaced primitive private farming with collectivized agriculture , and carried through an industrialization programme which astonished and alarmed the bourgeois world .
10 Tracey Morton , 29 , had to undergo five brain operations when she was thrown into the air and carried down the road by the motorbike in High Holborn , London , in August 1988 .
11 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
12 Before they could reach him , however , he was borne aloft like a javelin and carried to the quayside a few yards away where he was dumped unceremoniously into the murky waters to a great cheer from those who were close enough to witness the event .
13 And yet she had not cried , not even now , when the coffin was to be taken from Summer Lodge and carried to the graveyard on the hill overlooking the sea , could she give way to tears .
14 PEAT CUTTING Part of the magic of Scotch Whisky is owned to the mysterious qualities of peat , which is cut from the moors and carried to the distilleries .
15 If everyone is satisfied that the minutes are accurate , there is either a general murmur of assent , which the Chairman takes as approval , or , more officially , a member will move that the minutes be signed as a correct record , and the motion is then seconded and carried by a show of hands .
16 When these desert shrimps reproduce , the eggs are protected and carried by the female , either in a special sac-like structure as in the brine shrimp , or in a special pouch as in the tadpole shrimp .
17 The League and Central League trophies , for the first time held by one club , decked with blue and white ribbons , were displayed in the directors ' box and carried round the field at half-time .
18 A Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament banner was unfurled and carried round the war memorial before one of those carrying it was arrested .
19 The piggies blushed even pinker than usual as they were hoisted onto the shoulders of their friends and carried round the room .
20 Nevertheless the manifesto was in respect of nationalisation little more than an elaboration of the party 's one-term programme as accepted at the 1937 conference , with the addition of iron and steel , which had been included as a concession to a radical resolution proposed by Ian Mikardo at the 1944 conference and carried against the advice of the platform .
21 She knocked loudly at the door of his room and carried in a tray of caviar .
22 It is essential for normal growth and is secreted by the pituitary and carried in the blood to all parts of the body ( Chapter 10 ) .
23 There was a little work to do , fetching and carrying about the kitchens , for which he would get ten shillings a week .
24 That investment has provided defibrillators for more than 2,300 front-line ambulances across the country and carries through the commitment to provide a trained paramedic on each front-line ambulance by 1996 .
25 Under FRS 3 , the profit or loss on the disposal of an asset should be shown in the p&l account as the difference between the proceeds and the carrying amount , whether carried at a valuation or cost ( para 21 ) .
26 As well as carried in the coal , made the beds , run errands , carried out the slops .
27 The tin oxide , being relatively heavy , travels only a short distance when carried by a stream of water and can be channelled off from the waste .
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