Example sentences of "[conj] stand [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But they are the ones least likely to take a child to the playground , or stand alongside the mums outside school at home-time .
2 The fierce rivalries of teams and top competitors has masked the warmth of participating together in a team or standing on the terraces cheering on your side .
3 He 's got a , they 're all talking about me , he says they 're listening at the walls or standing in the clossies
4 Second , crime is accepted to be a legal category — no attempt is being made to propose , as we saw some positivists tried to do , that we can arrive at some more objective conception that stands above the acts of human deliberation that constitute the process of legal definition .
5 Cartographic logic suggests it was in fact an isolated hill that stands above the headwaters of the Rio Congo — an unspectacular 1,800 ft-high hillock , somewhat denuded of trees , a short distance away from a rudimentary track ( made by wild pigs , or cattle , or perhaps by people long ago ) which can still be discerned in the jungle .
6 Then , when the first big shower starts , rather than stand under the wings in the rain everyone will desert the launch point for a cup of tea , leaving the gliders apparently well parked and weighted with tyres but , in fact , vulnerable to a change in the wind direction .
7 Nothing could be more boring , to her mind , than standing on the banks of a river for hour after hour , sometimes the entire day , hoping for a fish to take .
8 They thrust him stumbling up a winding stairway cut in the rock , and along another passage into a large , smoky room , blackened and bare but for certain engines and implements that stood against the walls , and a low brazier in the centre .
9 Candidates must now set up personal machines manned by workers attracted to them by their individual qualities and stands on the issues with little or no reference to party loyalty .
10 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
11 We were told to halt and stand against the walls .
12 Workers ' control and workers ' wages for technicians , managers and bookkeepers would prevent the re-emergence of a privileged bureaucratic stratum — ‘ privileged persons detached from the masses and standing above the masses ’ ( p. 97 ) .
13 it was a yard at the back , but , I climbed out and stood on the sides
14 He pulled the heavy hall-door shut and stood on the steps .
15 He went out for a few moments and stood on the steps between the Greek pillars , looking in the direction of the Residency for any sign of movement .
16 The slight figure of a woman emerged from the hotel and stood on the steps leading down to the terrace , scanning the tables with anxious eyes and making agitated , jerky movements with her hands .
17 More men entered the hall by its main door , and several times someone came out beckoning and stood on the steps , issuing orders .
18 High bookcases lined the library walls and stood between the windows , each topped with a marble bust .
19 The driver , travelling at some eighty kilometres per hour , had little alternative but to stand on the brakes and swing the bus hard right .
20 Our job has always been to stand just between heaven and earth — to be neither pain nor joy , man nor woman , but to stand beyond the dualities which rule this world .
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