Example sentences of "[conj] live with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you are elderly and need minor works done to assist you to stay in your home , or to live with a relative , the Environmental Health Department have grants for Assistance with Minor Works to Dwellings .
2 Widows who remarry , or live with a man as his wife , cease to receive widows ' pension unless , that is , they are aged 60 or over in which case they may continue to receive their pension .
3 The lone mothers in the Bradshaw and Millar study reported that the best thing about being a lone parent was ‘ independence ’ ( while the worst was ‘ loneliness ’ ) and 47 per cent said they preferred to stay as lone parents in the near future , rather than re-marry ( 23 per cent ) or live with a partner ( 13 per cent ) .
4 And even if we do n't marry or live with a man , the fact that most women do means that every man will see a housewife when he sees us .
5 Neighbours said one of the arrested men moved into a flat just before Christmas and lived with a woman presumed to be his wife and two sons in their mid-teens .
6 One hundred and ten people infected with HIV reported 119 children , of whom 60 were dependent — that is , less than 16 years old and living with a parent .
7 Fashanu was 20 in 1982 , and living with a girl .
8 She had arranged to go and live with a niece , whose husband was out of work ; the couple would look after the old lady together .
9 When a son or daughter decides to settle down and live with a partner for the foreseeable future , rather than getting married , the situation is different .
10 I feel that these difficulties have gone on too long for there to be a realistic prospect of change in time for these children and given their improvement whilst in foster care , where they are not brought up in their parents ' conflict , it is not in the children 's interests for them to go and live with the father and that they need to be placed in an environment with permanent substitute parents , who can meet the boys ' physical , emotional , educational and social needs .
11 Go and live with the sea .
12 Try and survive , try and live with the system .
13 Try and live with the system , do n't kick it and do n't fight it , you ca n't beat them .
14 It 's a familiar quandary : buy an affordable production line bass and live with the fact that you share your new baby with thousands of others , or take the handmade option , pay through the nose and bask in the reflected glory of your instrument 's exclusivity .
15 For schools to exploit fully the potential of enhanced staffing after a century of working on the basis of n class teachers plus the head , they needed the imagination to conceive of alternatives ; a shift in attitudes away from the entrenched belief in the inviolability and supremacy of the traditional twin roles of head and class teacher ; and the will to enact such alternatives and live with the discomfort which the changing of professional roles inevitably generates .
16 Their pupils could be learning either to duck and cover again or to stop worrying and live with the bomb .
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