Example sentences of "[conj] there have been little " in BNC.

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1 Your German Shepherd feels insecure away from familiar territory and his aggression is a defence mechanism — a typical syndrome of long-term kennelling , where there has been little socialisation .
2 Comparing , for fixed-term contract workers , the results of the 1984 survey with those of the 1980 survey we found that there had been little change .
3 Three-quarters felt that there had been little feedback following its presentation .
4 But the coded language of the joint communiqué issued at the end of Churchill 's Washington visit of January 1952 showed that there had been little or no meeting of minds .
5 In fact , some argue that there has been little growth or development over the years in the service .
6 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
7 If the pulsar is a rejuvenated old neutron star , the large magnetic field suggests that there has been little or no decay from its original value , lending support to work suggesting the field decay may not occur , in contrast to other evidence .
8 Note that bass notes are mostly dissonant with the melody , and that there has been little attempt to remove note-relationships which conventionally would be regarded as crude and unmusical .
9 They have been so pervasive and so self-evident that there has been little point in articulating them .
10 Mr Yeltsin and the West have a shared interest in claiming the biggest figure for the aid package , so there has been little dissent over the headline-seizing ‘ $13 billion ’ .
11 Most of the inhabitants had probably escaped into the night , and there had been little killing , although a number of women undoubtedly had been caught and forced to pay the price of conquest .
12 Whatever the merits of these arguments , there can be little doubt that for much of its existence the LDDC has not sought out partnership arrangements with elected local bodies — it has pursued market-led strategies whose impact on local communities has proved far from advantageous ; it has largely ignored local planning procedures ; and there has been little public accountability of its Policies and spending .
13 The disease progressed rapidly and there 's been little or no remission . ’
14 If there has been little precise guidance to team members about the professional relationships and operational procedures to be followed , so , equally , there has been little guidance about their relationship to the rest of the service system .
15 If there has been little theoretical change , or if they are works of art in their own right — and especially if they are decorative — then illustrations can have a useful life much longer than the text which accompanied them .
16 The party managers continued to bewail the organizational weakness of Coalition Liberalism , but there had been little opportunity for organizational collaboration ; one of the few joint ventures , a magazine called Popular View , was abandoned in 1921 because of the impossibility of producing a lively magazine out of continuous compromise .
17 There was an emphasis on the generation of female employment as well as on the general need for diversification but there had been little development by the outbreak of war .
18 Before this , it was realized that quality had an impact on the bottom line , but there had been little analysis of its effects .
19 But there had been little doubt he would go from the moment Micheal Hurley had called during the Thanksgiving holiday to say he had at last been funded for a major operation in the Middle East and would Coleman be interested in going back to Cyprus as a DEA contractor ?
20 There is a host of community-related rural organisations in Scotland , many of which are purely social , or purely functional , some of which have broad ( non-party ) political aims , ( very few it seems make any attempt at all to combine social and political aspects even in a semi-structured way ) , but there has been little attempt to make learning connections between the assortment of community groups .
21 But there has been little legislation directed specifically towards women .
22 The fall-off curves away from such centres of consumption imply that the redistribution of such goods was controlled , but there has been little research carried out to determine the patterns of dispersal in any more detail .
23 The concept of risk has been recognized as important in so far as older people have been defined as dependent or vulnerable ( Stevenson , 1989 ) but there has been little systematic analysis of risk , risk-tolerance and risk-management in relation to older people ( for a discussion of issues , see Norman , 1979 ) .
24 In the UK , different local authorities have developed a range of renewal policies but there has been little attempt to evaluate their effect in the wider urban context .
25 But there has been little systematic investigation of how different approaches affect the process of analysis and theoretical development .
26 Senior Palace sources were last night still insisting the trip had served its primary purpose , but there has been little effort during the week to disguise their growing frustration .
27 But while there has been little analysis of the social relations of earlier , equally formal though smaller , or less formal and indeed informal institutions and associations , there ought to be some theoretical hesitation .
28 Since its construction almost thirty years before there had been little capital investment .
29 There is plenty of evidence of Caribbean influence on the speech of London adolescents , though there has been little systematic study in this area .
30 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
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