Example sentences of "[conj] it is thought that " in BNC.

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1 Although it is thought that translation of a polymer chain proceeds by means of a series of segmental jumps involving short kinetic units , which may each consist of between 15 and 30 chain atoms , the complete movement of a chain can not remain unaffected by the surrounding chains .
2 The first fifty or so milliseconds of these waves are the most consistent for any particular stimulus and it is thought that they are almost entirely generated by the incoming stimulus , irrespective of any mental activity on the part of the subject .
3 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
4 It is now known that many plants grow at temperatures as low as 0°C , albeit slowly , and it is thought that higher temperatures are more important in the earlier half of the year .
5 The incident took place at around 4.30 on Thursday afternoon , and it is thought that one of the men could be middle aged and the other younger .
6 It seems that anxious people condition most easily and it is thought that irrational fears are established in this way .
7 Controlled by a single gene , the deficiency is usually harmless , but certain drugs for malaria or a type of bean can cause those without the proper gene to suffer acute anaemia , and it is thought that some chemical might do the same .
8 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
9 In the longer term , spectrum has been identified in the band 4.4GHz to 5.03GHz and it is thought that military tactical requirements and outside broadcast and news gathering applications ‘ could be compatible in such situations ’ .
10 They are therefore sometimes known collectively as ostracoderms ( bony-skinned ) and it is thought that one or other ostracoderm groups gave rise to the gnathostomes .
11 Their lenses are much thicker and it is thought that these species lived where there was little light and needed thick lenses to collect and concentrate what light there was .
12 Like the established economic torts , this is a tort of intention and it is thought that the conduct of the defendant must have the plaintiff as its target though it need not be the predominant purpose in the sense that the defendant needs to be activated by malevolence : the pursuit of self-interest by unlawful means is actionable .
13 The genus appeared suddenly in the Atlantic at the end of the Pliocene without any local antecedent forms , and it is thought that transarctic migrations of several Pacific genera , including Buccinunl and Searlesja as well as Nucella , occurred through the Bering Strait , between a half and one million years before the onset of the first of the Pleistocene glaciations ( Franz and Merrill , 1980 ) .
14 As far as the exemption in s103(3) is concerned , " arrangement " is again widely defined as any agreement , scheme or arrangement and it is thought that it must be the case that at least part , if not the whole , of the consideration for the shares allotted is the transfer of the shares in the other company ( ie the target ) .
15 The forms set out in this book follow the prescribed forms as nearly as circumstances permit and it is thought that they will be acceptable to HM Land Registry .
16 As with GSK3 , phosphorylation by CKII also inhibits c-Jun DNA binding in vitro and it is thought that this is a mechanism by which the cell can maintain c-Jun in an inactive state until it is activated by dephosphorylation .
17 If it is thought that there are some similarities between country A and country B in the market for microcomputers or car telephones or videocameras etc , a multinational company can analyse its market expenditures within both countries , comparing the effectiveness of these expenditures in each country .
18 If it is thought that this is one of the pleasanter , more protective aspects of male chauvinism , this is mistaken .
19 If it is thought that there may be infection in the bladder ( cystitis ) or kidneys , a special sample needs to be taken for laboratory analysis .
20 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
21 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
22 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
23 If it is thought that the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor has outlived its usefulness , which I beg to doubt , then I think that it should be swept away by Parliament and not undermined by judicial review .
24 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
25 If it is thought that the growers of any kind of grain in any part of the world have been losing money , and are likely to sow a smaller area for a future harvest ; it is argued that prices are likely to rise as soon as that harvest comes into sight , and its shortness is manifest to all .
26 If it is thought that the politicians have dithered in any way , we shall be slaughtered on the anvil of public opinion and informed opinion in the oil industry .
27 However , if it is thought that the joint tenancy might be severed ( and there might be good matrimonial or tax planning reasons for this ) it is preferable to include the enlargement of powers as in Precedent 34 for otherwise the trustees of the conveyance may not have power to mortgage or charge the property ( see Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 , s8 ) .
28 Of course , this is easier said than done , but it is thought that up to 50% of births of this type could be prevented by better standards of care .
29 Estimates vary but it is thought that in 1574 the population of Prague was 5 per cent Catholic .
30 The date of its founder , Zarathustra ( Zoroaster is the Greek form of his name ) , is uncertain but it is thought that he flourished in the first half of the sixth century BC .
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