Example sentences of "[conj] it be intend that " in BNC.

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1 Under the terms of the new law ( much of which remained classified ) covert action was defined as any " activity or activities of the United States government to influence political , economic or military conditions abroad , where it is intended that the role of the United States government will not be acknowledged or apparent " .
2 However , the label ’ semantic ’ will continue to be used , although it is intended that the reader should not restrict its denotation to the strict linguistic sense .
3 If it is felt that this smacks too much of the ‘ green shield stamp ’ approach , it should be realized that it is intended that the scheme will operate with a substantial element of vocational and tutorial guidance using specialized staff .
4 3.3 Time restrictions If there is no mention of a time restriction in a covenant then the courts will normally infer that it is intended that the restriction should last forever .
5 As that subsection gives the court a discretion to stay or suspend execution of the order , it can not be the position that it was intended that the landlord could take the matter into his own hands .
6 It is quite clear against the background that I have described that it was intended that it should be an exceptional power and that it should be used only when there are no other ways in which the individual applicant may consider the case himself through the planning process .
7 Also on March 21 it was announced that it was intended that from April 1993 all further education colleges offering full-time education and all sixth-form colleges should be taken out of local authority control , as the new sector of post-16 education funded directly by central government .
8 However , it seems unlikely that it was intended that less disclosure should be made to private customers than to professionals .
9 These are usually agreed jointly by the Countryside Commission and local authorities , and it is intended that strict development control should be applied within them .
10 Specially trained BT staff will also be on hand to advise those who are suffering from nuisance calls , and it is intended that self-help groups will be set up by people who have been victims themselves .
11 Feedback from those attending was positive and it is intended that , after some refining , the workshops will be made available to all colleges .
12 Two officers whose term of secondment came to an end in the course of the year were replaced by promotions from within the Library 's staff , and it is intended that this pattern should continue when the remaining officer returns to the Scottish Office in due course .
13 Your Board is confident that the plan for restructuring the Group will result in a more streamlined , flexible and dynamic organisation and it is intended that it be carried through as fast as possible .
14 When the new system is introduced the caretaking staff will not be amongst those identified as operators and it is intended that these revised hours will assist caretaking staff by freeing them for more appropriate duties .
15 Although it is recognised that performance review must be tailored to local circumstances , generalisations can be made and it is intended that a good practice guide be drawn up based on experience to date .
16 Future tapes will provide information on wine and then meat and it is intended that ultimately all specialist areas will be covered . .
17 The programme received financial assistance from UNICEF and it was intended that it should perform three basic tasks :
18 The Consumer Congress called for a working party to draft a code of good practice and it was intended that working party should make use of the information generated by the 1988 transport workshop , whose discussions were reported to the congress .
19 Timing is critical , especially if it is intended that the press release is to be issued before an exhibition is opened , yet the photo is to show the exhibition being opened by the Chairman .
20 A clause along the following lines could be inserted in the trust deed if it is intended that the same be effective for income tax purposes : No part of the capital , capitalised income , or income shall in any circumstances whatsoever be paid or lent to or applied for the benefit of the settlor or any spouse of the settlor for the time being .
21 But if it was intended that Jesus survive the Cross , or never perhaps be crucified at all , one can not help wondering whether Judas was privy to the plan .
22 One particular matter of concern would be the election of directors by particular constituencies ( shareholders on the one hand and employees on the other ) ; if it were intended that they should represent those constituencies , this would conflict with the general principle of company law that all directors should look to the interests of the company as a whole .
23 Whilst it was intended that children with minor handicaps would be able to attend mainstream schools , the act required that the blind , deaf , epileptic , physically handicapped and aphasic children must be educated in special schools .
24 We should be grateful for your advice on whether this is a loophole which is likely to be quickly closed or whether it is intended that this type of business should benefit in this way .
25 However , as it was intended that this study should be of particular use to the suppliers of information , it was therefore biased towards the first stage of environmental scanning ; that is , the gathering of information .
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